Monday, August 12, 2013

A Study of False Economics Capitalism

An Institute of Societal Conditions Publication

Capitalism is deception about ownership of Companies. There are all new Companies, Stores, Restaurants, and even Banks every 4 years, and an average employment duration of 1 year within false economics Capitalism, (that is possibly a secret homelessness without health insurance death camp). Remaining solvent does not actually exist within false economics Capitalism.

Get rich quick schemes in the Capitalist business world, (buyouts, IPOs, conglomerates, acquisitions, mergers, and the stock market), do not actually work. Profit existing in the Capitalist business world, or millionaires existing within Capitalism, is pathological deception committed by the 21 organizations spying on the population with plain clothes agents. Agents with covert fake names and fake backgrounds.

Actual economics would involve Individuals that are paying the business loans of Companies voting at work in order to control the property they are paying for. The Employees of Companies are also paying the expenses of Companies beyond the salary of the employees. Capitalism is the psychology of imagining Employers are beneficial parent figures, instead of possible criminals practicing deception, (therefore in keeping with this delusion, voting at work in order to control the property you are paying for is not needed). Capitalism is false economics, and the criminal deception of employees that are paying the bills (including the stocks and bonds, or shares) of companies.

Anti-Democracy Republicanism is also the psychology of imagining that Authorities are beneficial parent figures instead of possible criminals practicing deception. Therefore, Anti-Democracy Republicanism is false Government. With accurate Government, voting for the persons in Government is required because of the need for actual, accurate ownership of the Land you are living on, and paying for with your earnings.

Cooperating with false economics Capitalism, and false government Republicanism, is enforced by primary childhood conditioning that is derived from insecurity from dysfunctional families existing within Classist false Economics and false Government, (i.e. false Property Relations).

Capitalism is false economics, anti-democracy, and anti-all men are created equal, (U.S.A. Declaration of Independence). With recognition of society, Capitalism can be seen as the murderous false economics that it is. False economics, unscientific Capitalism when contrasted with accurate economics, scientific Socialism is revealed as obvious vile deception that is in need of reform. Capitalism is a pathology that shouldn't exist. Capitalism is the opposite of accurate distribution of earned income Meritocracy.

Capitalist companies don't inform employees regarding company economics, or hiring, because those Capitalist companies practice obsessive lying. If needless, obsessive lying was considered treasonous to a truthful society, the economic order, Capitalism, would cease to exist. Capitalism is an Empire of Lies. With careful, whole systems study, it is determinable that the objective of Capitalism is to ultimately kill the persons that helped you make money, as found in many historical criminal conspiracies. In Capitalism, the person at the top doesn't tell anyone the economics of the Company, and the Company is secretly an economic plot to murder the Employees, and possibly also the Customers. Whatever the Capitalist Boss is into is acceptable, even if it's driving the already dedicated to False Economics, (via a Capitalist belief system), Company out of business. Is not being able to fire an inept CEO actually O.K.?

Starting your own business within Capitalism is only a criminal deception operation committed by the enforcers of false economics, lying Capitalism. Their objectives in deceiving persons about starting their own business is denying them the revenue from their businesses, and committing violence against them in order to maintain their compliance with Death Camp Society Capitalism. This intent appears most obviously in the average employment duration of 1 year in the 10 to 11 million companies in the United States and Canada. Also, half of the persons that leave their place of employment are fired, and the other half quit, and there are new companies every 4 years - a secret average life span of 4 years for companies.

Capitalism is a form of Ambivalence about Economics. Capitalism is Mafia Gangsters conspiring to victimize Employees, and Workplace Voting not existing. Within the confines of Capitalist companies, the Employees are required to act in a responsible manner, as defined by the Employer, and the Employers can act as irresponsibly as they are interested in, to accomplish their hidden by Capitalist Oligarchy objectives.

Capitalism is paranoid about giving employees the part of the company they paid for beyond their salaries. That makes me think of farm animals, that might not know the farm is about killing them for food. The farm, Capitalism, that is. Paranoid Capitalism prevents workplace voting. With the combination of Democratic Government and Capitalism, Government represents false economics Capitalist paranoids. A Government combined with Capitalist economics also enforces Xenophobia, and other non-recognition of Society phenomena. Capitalism should be replaced by the science “Economics”. "All Men Are Created Equal" is the USA's principle of Aristocracy shouldn't exist, and is also a principle of Capitalism shouldn't exist.

The Psychology of Capitalism
Capitalism is paranoid, and has a split personality; A Death Camp society pretending to be the Land of the Rich. Capitalism is not legitimate Economics, instead only a psychological problem of thinking persons are created unequal, disguised as Economics. Capitalism is a form of social order in the workplace that shouldn't exist.

False Economics, 100 percent Lying Capitalism creates dysfunctional families, and dysfunctional relationships, via inability of victimized persons to admit to unemployment and underemployment. According to Karl Marx, Capitalism causes dysfunctional families. During the second half of the 20th century, Temporary Agencies were possibly developed by evil Capitalism to only create dysfunctional families. Capitalism is false economics involving the psychology problem hallucination that your employer is a parent figure. An imaginary parent figure that operates a company other persons pay for, and then steals their money and property.

Capitalism requires pathological lying, because truth is freedom. Capitalism has a master/slave structure, where employees are totally prohibited from talking about anything suspicious about the company they are working for. Capitalist psychological problem philosophies, (for example, "Pain Points"), are for idiots, the same as Capitalism. Capitalism is destabilization, or ambivalence, derived from a forgotten family argument in early childhood. Capitalism is destabilization. Socialism, or Communism, has the opposite effect on individuals and society - stabilization. Total employment of the population isn't a big deal. It only requires persons that are opposed to it to grow up.

Capitalism is Insane Psychos Monitoring Sane Non-Psychos. Pathologically lying Capitalism creates mentalities of contradictory lying, such as, "Get an FHA loan, and stop asking for a Government handout”. Capitalism is not able to get out of its own lying. Before Democracy, Persons had to constantly demonstrate their Humility to Aristocracy. Capitalism still has this evil characteristic. With Capitalism, if the employers are crashing the value of the company intentionally, there is nothing the employees can do about it. A requisite of Capitalism is needing deceitful business practices.

A more accurate name for Capitalism would be “Psycho-Capitalism”. Except the sadistic psychotics that believe in Capitalism wouldn't agree. “Psycho-Capitalism” to start out with, refers to the amnesiac origins of the artificial Social Ordering leading to Capitalist economics. After becoming amnesiac, because of its repulsive origins, the primary Capitalist drives then reside in the Unconscious regions of the Human Brain. Capitalism can only create Job Growth with Employers that Hate Employees. With Capitalism, Employees are treated as Subjects that can not vote. Capitalism, Republicanism, and Conservatism are an eternal fight to steal the money of persons seemingly weaker than you are. Eventually, false economics Capitalism, and false government Republicanism will be brought to an end.

According to Gilles Deleuze, in “Anti-Oedipus”, Capitalism is an Oedipal Complex. With oppressive Capitalism, seeking employment is seeking incest. (i.e. 1 out of 200 persons working at one time). Conservatism, Capitalism, Cultism, and Aristocracy are forms of Neurosis, derived from the Incest Taboo, that leads to Male aggression/violence. Republicanism and Capitalism are Double Bind, Ambivalent Bullying, that hides Bullying by accusing the Bullied of being Bullies. Gays and Lesbians exist to not tell on Capitalism as they go through 100 different jobs in their 20's. Capitalism creates co-dependent and dysfunctional families. Capitalists and Republicans are persons doing wrong and not admitting it. Capitalism is a structure that does not permit dialogue, and therefore is a structure that must be changed.

Capitalism has all new companies every 4 years, and therefore universally commits Double Bind (everything you do is wrong), abuse of employees. An average employment duration of one year within Capitalism is also abusive. If Temporaries unite, Temporary Agencies can be expected to strike back. That intolerable, death camp condition is an indication that it is time to get rid of the sick, evil, cognitively dissonant forms of lying, Capitalism and Republicanism.

Besides false government, (Anti-Democracy), and false economics, (Capitalism), there is a 50% obese women environment, that is an example of the mental illness Caligynephobia, (fear of beautiful women). With Capitalism, Executive Protection Agencies have no input whatsoever in male employees working with good looking women. In fact with Capitalism, it is the end of the world if a male employee is working with a good looking woman. The psychology of Mother’s ban on sex, listening to your Mother through the wall, Naughty Chair Capitalism involves telling persons that working in the Adult World exists, then trapping them in a chamber with a giant worm, (obese woman).

Within Capitalist societies, news stories are consistently lying. Injustice, Capitalism, and Republicanism are equally dependent on the voicelessness of the population. Luckily with Technodepreciation ending Authoritarianism, computer-based social communications methods, (for example Twitter), gives persons a voice against Injustice, Capitalism, and Republicanism, for the first time. All the lying involved with Capitalism is aberrant, and not a requirement of actual Economics or Government.

Capitalism and Communism are both Government policies towards Economics. Capitalism is a Fish Story. Capitalism is Fish Story Economics. Capitalism is giving persons fish, in the form of occasional jobs where they are prevented from learning anything and promotion doesn't exist. Free Market, Captive Buyers Capitalism includes the CIA being "The Company", of course, and requires constant alternating forms of warfare, including the war against "Terrorism", in order to maintain a constant secret war for Poverty and Drugs.

Imaginary parents psychology Anti-Democracy, (i.e. Aristocracy and Capitalism), is polymorphously perverted infant social phobia. Aristocracy and Capitalism are forms of social phobia. Capitalism, or voting at work not existing, is a form of social phobia. If it sounds like someone going insane because of leaving their domineering Mother, it is Capitalism.

Conservatism is the Death Drive, according to Sigmund Freud and his researchers. Besides having a parallel death orientation, Capitalism also has a problem bringing out individual talent. Concentration of power resistant Democracy seems to bring out individual talent. Capitalism erroneously perceives that Socialism is “giving away money for free”. Capitalism erroneously asserts that if the individuals it is deceiving “earn” money, (as defined by lying Capitalism, of course), they will work hard. If you get work for free, you won't appreciate it and will become lazy. A good example of this is inheriting money for free Rich, whom would then have the classification of non-appreciative non-earners committing the required laziness.

Don't pave the Cow Path, (to the slaughter), Capitalism requires:
1) Deception involving the salary expected by new employees, and the salaries received by new employees. Employees receive low salaries, and because they are unaware that all the other employees of the company also have low salaries, are under the impression that they are the only employee that received a low salary.

2) Employees receiving average-to-below average performance reviews, that are under the impression that there are employees of the company that received above average performance reviews, when there aren't any employees that received above average performance reviews.

3) Pretending an incident that leads to the firing of an employee is occurring for the first time, when that type of incident occurs often.

4) Most persons that apply for professional work via answering employment ads for professional work not being qualified for the work they are applying for, or they have self-presentation problems. Therefore, it is difficult finding persons for professional career positions instead of Personnel Departments having several qualified professionals per position open in order to choose one person to hire.

5) Termination of Employment letters that give the terminated employee an option to resign and give 2 weeks notice of leaving. They are then considered employees that quit, instead of employees that were fired.

6) Employment applicants that are able to start work in two weeks because they have to give their current employer two weeks notice before leaving. Any reason they have to leave their current employer is probably suspicious.

7) Hiring based on a criteria that applicants are unable to verbalize to employers - the way they look.

8) Deceiving Beggars into thinking they can be Choosers. You can be a Capitalist Beggar, or a Socialist Chooser, not both.

Capitalism, Hyperpervertoids, Psychopaths, The Roman Empire, and Stockholm Syndrome
Capitalists and Republicans are sadistic perverts operating a death camp society. Evidence of this is found in the sick, evil Capitalist counter-attack against the good vs. evil HMV firing Twitter comments, and in the governmental security psychosis of “Torture is o.k. if someone has information that will save lives". These Sadists are Tyrants that should be avoided.

You need someone making $400,000 per year to drive a company out of business, when someone making $40,000 per year could make the business profitable. With voting at work, your relationship with your supervisor is not dependent on having been kidnapped by non-self-determination. A high rate of persons being fired might indicate your boss is a member of a Satanist coven. Capitalism is “Let them die, and reduce the surplus population”. What within Capitalism ensures that your employer doesn't view the employees as uninformed of the company's economics, Slaves?

Never Build Anything Right, Never Conduct Business Right, Imploding Company Capitalism, where workplace democracy is hated, is the opposite of peace loving. Capitalism will be left in the dustbin of history as a murderous mass delusion that was never what it was pretending to be. With recognition of society, Capitalism can be seen as the murderous false economics that it is.

Capitalism is an extremely effective way to promote Authoritarian Reproduction that requires Heterophobia. Capitalism promotes a 60% overweight, 30% obese population, and good looking women not existing when they should be 50% of the population. The introverted form of government is Aristocracy, the introverted form of economics is Capitalism, and the introverted form of reproduction is a society of Eunuchs and Nuns. The extroverted form of government is Democracy, the extroverted form of government is Socialism, and the extroverted form of reproduction is the entire adult population having heterosexual relationships. Aristocracy suggests Security, Democracy doesn't suggest Security. Unfortunately, Capitalism suggests Security to the Egoless, whereas Socialism that is derived from Individuality, (derived from the Ego), doesn't suggest Security. Anyone ever think that Laissez-Faire Capitalism might not recognize government by victims of it's delusional economics?

Savage Capitalism involves worshiping false gods of deception Capital, dismembering people, and putting them on display as the Poor, Unemployed, and Homeless. Capitalism is more like stranded children worshiping false Gods than responsible adults working. The important difference between Capitalism and Socialism is whether you notice persons being sacrificed to the god, Capital. Capitalism creates dysfunctional families, because capital is a god that is worshiped with families being sacrificed to it. Don't notice the persons being sacrificed to the god, Capitalism. Businesses that fire a lot of persons are not just businesses. They are a god that is worshiped with persons being sacrificed to them. That is how with Capitalism, prosperity can become synonymous with lying.

The Economics of Capitalism
Capitalism is about bringing back work without pay. The antithesis of Capitalism, Workplace Democracy is about never bringing back work without pay. Anti-Democracy and Capitalism requires constant fantasizing. Capitalism has problems with being honest about money, and will eventually end. Capitalism is a war against growing up and building anything right. Capitalism is a method of stealing the value of other persons. Socialism is a method of keeping your value for yourself. With Capitalism, CEOs are Industrial Criminals instead of Business Persons. Capitalism is a crime scam where employers pretend they are operating an honest business, when at the same time banning honesty.

Capitalism is just a myth that money should be hoarded, even if it requires theft from the persons that generated the money. Aristocracy only existed, and Capitalism only exists, as methods of getting away with Crime. Capitalism will exist until persons stop believing the Capitalist lie that exploitation doesn't exist. It's your life. If Capitalism can convince persons they only need to take responsibility for their own lives, and then make that effort futile, the liars (Capitalists), win. With dependence on individual initiative, all the money can be stolen by making individual initiative futile.

The theory of Capitalism is “Abolish individuals owning the property they pay for”. Capitalism schemes imploding companies and an oppressed population. Capitalism is the concept of rewarding persons for lying about their work record. Rewarded with an average employment duration of 1 year. Supporting yourselves with your own productivity is a gamble with false economics Capitalism. There are 21 organizations spying on the population creating misfortune for persons that are treated as a commodity by Capitalism.

The lying Capitalist business world will only admit to an 8% turnover rate, when what actually exists is a 25% turnover rate. With false economics Capitalism, you can have millions of dollars budgeted for the salaries of a few dozen employees, with an average amount of over a hundred thousand dollars per year per employee, and still enslave employees with a less than living wage salary. This is the sadistic phenomena of  "starving persons to death for fun" Capitalism, an underpayment trap where employees are promised accurate payment indefinitely by criminal scum.

With all new companies every 4 years and an average employment duration of 1 year, I doubt Imploding Company Capitalism is about Growth. Capitalism is about lying about your social life. Capitalism is anti-education, because Education is redistribution of Capital. Capitalism is trusting your life to insane Scrooges. There is nothing wrong with insane Scrooges imploding everything in existence, the employees can just raise their children for 18 years as their jobs are being threatened at all times. Abortion is caused by a society that terrorizes pregnant young women into terminating pregnancy.

The Effects of Capitalism on Government
With the combination of Democracy and Capitalism, Government represents false economics Capitalist paranoids. Wherever Socialism defeated false economics Capitalism, paranoids believing persons are created unequal have attempted National Socialism. Eventually, the human brain will evolve out of the Paranoia leading to false economics Capitalism, and false government Republicanism.

Imploding Company Capitalism requires enjoyment of economic disablement racketeering for enslavement of the population. With death via homelessness, Capitalism equals giving employers the power of life and death over innocent persons. Capitalism allows the existence of Modern Slavery Cultism via voting at work not existing. Capitalism is an insane reaction to productivity. The Bourgeois exists only to not have the right priorities. The Proletariat are persons with the right priorities. Capitalism is persons with wrong values tricking persons with right values. Socialism is only right values existing via Voting. Capitalism lost by lying about worker's councils, (Soviets), operating companies in Communist countries.

The Bank you save your money in determines how much you are paid at work, and determines whether you have employment, via business lending. With predatory Capitalism, the Bank you save your money in only conforms to the Capitalist requirement to sadistically exploit everyone in existence. Wall Street banks claim to advocate Free Market Capitalism, and use their monetary resources gained from the savings of individuals, small business, and large corporations, to stomp on small businesses and individuals. Workplace voting solves the problem of this form of paranoia existing, and Democracy existing as a meaningless concept as long as wealth is concentrated in the vaults of monopolistic Capitalism.

Profit is Money saved to be used later. When the event the Profit was saved for occurs, Production is needed. A Living Wage doesn't exist because minimum wage employees are supposed to die, the same as Slaves. Non-living wages should be Abolished. Capitalism seeks to eliminate all the Equities accessible to Individuals:: Physical, Spiritual, Psychological, Intellectual, Emotional, Financial, and Social. Homelessness is the Final Solution of Nazi Capitalism. Fascism is Capitalism in decay, according to Vladimir Lenin. The same as some employees never cleaning their desks, some CEOs will never let anyone clean their companies. "You can not talk about our abusiveness on a public forum, and everything is a public forum." True happiness is not having a boss ordering you to be happy.

If Aristocracy is better than Democracy, then Capitalism is better than Workplace Democracy. If Workplace Democracy versus Capitalism is for Intellectuals, then Democratic Government versus Aristocracy was once for Intellectuals. Is the main objective of Capitalism, (Workplace Democracy not existing), the eventual existence of debt-ridden, non-hireable, death camp society victims that resemble Zombies? It is easy to conclude that false individualism Capitalism is about forcing persons to live together, versus actual individualism Workplace Democracy.

Anti-Democracy Capitalism
Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World is possibly derived from Capitalism’s fear of non-authoritarian reproduction. Capitalism is a mental illness, whose objective is the squandering of the productivity of the population. Capitalism causing codependency is inverting property, Capitalist workplace relations is inverting production, and 50% blobs environments is inverting reproduction.

Capitalist “Angel Investors” are inversion of starting a company, and are actually Demon Investors with malicious objectives, and also are imploding company idiots. Without Union representation, everyone you work with is a Scab, accepting slavery conditions. A Bullying Police State, (all Police States), is an Evil Empire. Capitalism has a vampire dependence on War, therefore Mainstream Media avoids Capitalism versus Socialism within war reports.

Capitalism is letting dishonest Republicans decide your fate, and taking slaves out of their comfort zones in order to implode companies. With Capitalism, if your Boss is a Satanist, you are being forced to participate in Satanism when working. With Capitalism, your employer might be a money slave Scrooge controlled by a Financial Dominatrix blob.

Capitalism and Republicanism believes in the Earth as it is in Hell. Capitalism keeping persons living with parents in their 20's is meant to exploit aversion to producing children via incest for control of employees. The persons you are working for within Capitalism don't have any relationship with you, therefore what are you doing not voting on the property you are paying for?

Plato’s Republic asserts "Justice is doing evil to your enemies". Authoritarians attempt to portray persons that don't remain silent about Authoritarian abuses as dangerous. Obviously, remaining silent is dangerous. This isn't obvious to Oedipal Complex Authoritarians. Imploding company Capitalism is a lack of a positive attitude. Imploding Small Business Capitalism is a good example of Competition. Capitalism is Society not existing, Socialism is Society existing. Society exists, therefore Socialism wins. Socialism and Democracy treat the cause, Capitalism and Republicanism treat the effect. Capitalism without criminal exploitation is nothing. Capitalism is dependent on Homelessness, Insane Asylums, Prison, Living in Trash, Drug Dealing, and the Military.

Anarchy is a Conspiracy of Deception. Anarchists appear that if Socialism takes over, they will bring back the destructiveness, mean-spiritedness, and the Oedipal Complex repression of Capitalism. A Criminal Justice System can not exist with Unjust Economics, Capitalism, that is a sickness from a primitive, paranoid past that should be left in the past, with all forms of Anti-Democracy. Capitalism can lie about and sabotage everyone on Earth, yet with the evolution of the Human Brain, there will still be a Global Revolution against Capitalism.

Capitalism, like anti-democracy Aristocracy, creates artificial economic cycles and is about fooling other persons and maintaining a society of fools. Feudalism is political economics. Capitalism is preservation of Feudalistic, Aristocratic economics. Socialism is rejection of non-Democracy, and rejection of the economics of non-Democracy. Accurate ownership is socializing ownership. Privatized Profit was once the equity of individuals, with Capitalism it is given for free to oppressors of individuality. Capitalism involves Liars disseminating knowledge, and banishing anyone telling the truth. Capitalism requires the locking up of productive persons, and giving everything to irresponsible paranoids, and maintaining of a society of mentally ill persons and criminals. Capitalism requires the massive theft of the equity of the population, in order to establish parent-child relationships in the adult world.

Other forms of secret exploitation within Capitalism are: temporary agency bondage, temporary agency slavery, no promotion bondage, and no promotion slavery. Arguments for Capitalism are usually arguments for exploitation of man by man, and retro-cortical schizo-authoritarianism.

Socialism and Democracy treat the cause, Capitalism and Republicanism treat the effect. False Economics, 100% Lying Capitalism creates dysfunctional families and dysfunctional relationships. Capitalism is persons supporting themselves with loans. Socialism is persons supporting themselves with work.

Republicanism, Anti-Democracy, and Aristocracy are political exploitation. The same as Capitalism and Feudalism are economic exploitation. These forms of false government and false economics are Misanthropy. My theory is that the homeless were persons that challenged Limited Upward Mobility within Capitalism. Capitalism and Republicanism are based on lying. Voting at work, and for the government, is based on the truth. Capitalism is an anti-Buyer conspiratorial Market Economy. Is it alright if Buyers don't get what they want?

Capitalism is a form of Paranoia, and requires deception of the entire population. Personal Technology will end Authoritarian Capitalism's denial of actual Relations of Production. Technological Depreciation in the form of personal technology will lead to the defeat of dystopian Capitalism by utopian Socialism. Capitalism is anti-education, and creates a education industrial complex that is not good for children. Children that shouldn't be targeted for future exploitation.

Evil, licentious Police States, Capitalism, alienation racketeering, and Republicanism will eventually end because of the effects of social media. The leading journalist in the western hemisphere can get an anti-Capitalist education via the Web and Wikipedia. The end of Capitalism will result. Capitalism cannot exist separate from a dysfunctional Oedipal Complex and therefore Business Democracy is needed.

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