Sunday, May 28, 2023

World Equality and AI

By John Akwei, ECMp ERMp Data Scientist

with assistance from Sudowrite and Google Bard

Ensuring the survival of the human species is greatly improved via the goal of world equality. World equality should be accomplished via world development, and by local development to eliminate poverty, homelessness, and involuntary cohabitation in western countries that have benefitted from hundreds of years of colonialism. The level of prosperity and the living standards, (including access to food, water, shelter and education), of the world's local populations should be improved.

The countries of the world should be economically, socially, and politically equal. The equality of people, cultures, and nations should be the aim of the international community. All countries are different, however they may find a common humanity in shared values, (or a shared set of principle beliefs which provide a value-based rationale for the social action of the diverse local populations).

An important focus in this goal is the world's leading executives having good relationships, appreciating other cultures, and sharing epistemological knowledge, (for the world's population to then follow them in having good relationships with other populations).

If leaders are friends, appreciate each other's cultures, and share knowledge, then the world's various populations can also be friends, appreciate other cultures, and share knowledge and resources. Therefore, the Hitlers that will not be friends, appreciate other cultures or share, will be diminished. The world will be led by people that value the survival of the human species, not by oedipal complex tyrants who want power. The unconscious processes needed for this mitigation of tyranny involves recognizing that persons are derived from reproduction in the unrelated adult world.

In order to accomplish equality in world economics, Universal Basic Income could be implemented on an international scale. This policy would ensure that everyone, regardless of gender, age, race, or country of birth, has enough money to buy food and shelter and to feed themselves while they look for work. The extra savings gained from people being able to spend more time working instead of looking for a second job would be spent on education, giving more people access to higher levels of education and degrees. By reducing local crime significantly through reducing poverty, improving childhood education, creating more jobs that pay well above minimum wage, and having more financially stable households which contribute to society through volunteer organizations and voting booths, Universal Basic Income will allow individuals worldwide to improve their lives and contribute to the world around them.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly developing technology with the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. In the area of world equality, AI has the potential to help us address some of the most pressing challenges facing our planet, such as poverty, hunger, and disease.

AI can be used to develop new educational tools and resources that can help to improve access to education for people all over the world. For example, AI can be used to create personalized learning experiences, provide feedback to students, and identify students who are struggling and need extra help.

AI can be used to automate tasks that are currently done by humans, freeing up time for people to focus on more creative and productive activities. This can help to reduce inequality by giving everyone the opportunity to contribute to the economy.

AI can be used to develop new diagnostic tools and treatments for diseases, as well as to improve the efficiency of healthcare systems. This can help to improve access to healthcare for people all over the world and reduce the burden of disease.

AI can be used to develop new technologies that can help us to conserve resources and reduce our impact on the environment. This can help to create a more sustainable future for all.

As AI continues to develop, we can expect to see even more ways in which this technology can be used to make the world a more just and equitable place. While AI has the potential to help with world equality, there are also some challenges that need to be addressed. One challenge is that AI is still in its early stages of development, and there is a risk that it could be used to exacerbate inequality, rather than reduce it. For example, AI could be used to create systems that discriminate against certain groups of people, or to develop new technologies that are only accessible to the wealthy.

Another challenge is that AI is a complex technology, and it can be difficult to understand how it works. This can make it difficult to ensure that AI is used in a responsible and ethical way. Despite these challenges, there are also a number of opportunities for AI to help with world equality. One opportunity is to use AI to develop new tools and resources that can help to improve access to education, healthcare, and other essential services. Another opportunity is to use AI to create new jobs and economic opportunities for people all over the world.

In furtherance of improving the lives of the world's population, mobile devices could aid in eliminating obesity via eliminating overeating. Mobile artificial intelligence diet supervision would be able to predict food-related behavior, determining which foods are desirable and finding healthy, low-calorie substitutes for those foods that may not be so desirable.

Mobile devices could also determine, and reward, individuals that have personally beneficial schedule behavior. Artificial intelligence could help individuals balance their time between work and leisure activities and make sure they are getting sufficient sleep. Rewarding individuals who follow such healthy behaviors by giving them special recognition, providing feedback to keep motivated, or providing additional benefits, (such as free rides on public transportation), could benefit society as a whole.

The future of AI is still uncertain, but it has the potential to be a powerful force for good in the world. By addressing the challenges and seizing the opportunities, we can ensure that AI is used to create a more just and equitable future for all.