Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Psychology of Capitalist Alienation

The Psychology of Capitalist Alienation is describable as the psychology of attachment to anything other than Human Beings, or the psychology of people being last. The dichotomy that represents this psychology is the dichotomy of sex with objects vs. sex with the opposite gender. Sex with the opposite gender is not natural, and is learned from society. The psychology of sex starts out as polymorphous perversion, that includes sex with objects. Repressive anti-reproduction societies that never oppose polymorphous perversion cause the death, and destruction, characteristic of Capitalist Alienation.

The structure of People-Last Economics, at the top level, begins with Capitalist Alienation, i.e. Money as a God, (that Persons are Alienated from, and causes Poverty, Domestic Violence, Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, Crime, etc). Then, within Capitalist Alienation is Commodity Fetishism. After Money as a God, Commodity Fetishism represents Products as Gods. However, the Products that are Gods are basically dead objects, (i.e. defective products). The Commodity Fetishism, dead object Products, are dead because of their proximity to Persons. With the psychology of People-Last Economics, "Persons" can never exist, only Money and Products.

Then, within Commodity Fetishism, (that is within Capitalist Alienation), remains only the phenomena of Pathological Lying. This Pathological Lying within Commodity Fetishism has the form of Reification, (everything unreal is real), and Hypostatization, (everything in the future exists now). The reason the conclusion of People-Last Economics is Pathological Lying, is that with Capitalism, (Money promoted to a God in the Human Unconscious), only Money and Products, can ever matter. Never Individuals, whom are required to sublimate their Egos for lying, god-like, Money, and dead Products, (that make their objective of obtaining Money futile).

Therefore, Capitalism creates Persons that commit extreme lying to preserve the lying status of Money, and Products, as Gods. That effectively eliminates actual Persons from existing within Capitalism as anything other than exploited cultists, destined to commit group suicide, because of non-recognition by Capitalist Alienation, Commodity Fetishism, and Pathologically Lying Reification and Hypostatization.