Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The economics of “Equity”, an alternative to the phenomenological deceptions, “Money” and “Scarcity” (A Post-Scarcity Manifesto)

In the minds of supposedly reasonable persons, that are living within the pervasively suspicious economic system, Capitalism, the concept "Money", is an indisputable entity. The only mental considerations related to Money that are viable are peripheral considerations of systems of obtaining the concept Money, (represented, of course, by the objectively accepted material, Currency).

In this document, I attempt to assist with the breaking through of the previously stated indisputable mindset. Therefore, I will consider mainly the phenomenological concepts, "Money", "Equity", "Land", and other exchange items subject to the accepted conception of Money. A good definition of Money to consider, before starting this examination of the preconception, Money, is that Money is a representation of work done, (and is then exchanged for needed items/services).

What first dispels the validity of the conception of "Money" is that the validity of Monetary Value changes with actual, or manufactured, "Scarcity". Monetary Value is entirely rendered invalid via the vulnerability of Persons participating within an Economic System to accept the controller of Exchange Items subjective determination of Scarcity vs. Non-Scarcity, when the determination of Scarcity is only the hostility of the Exchange Item Controller to perceived rivals. Money becomes an unreliable concept when the Monetary Value of Land becomes directly related to the willingness of a Land Owner to enforce the existence of Non-Land-Ownership. If all Adults had Land to live on, the Monetary Value of Land would drop to insignificant Monetary Value. Then, if all Adults, (within the suspicious Economic System, Capitalism, for example), were able to obtain Land Ownership, and the Value of Land dissipated as a result, what is a method to determine an objective exchange value for the Land, before the cataclysmic change in Land Ownership?

Before examining a possible replacement concept of representation for work done, that facilitates exchange of needed items, I will make a few statements of other effects of Scarcity Economics that make the intrinsic concept of Money invalid. In addition to the hoarding of Land increasing value, and excluding persons from objectively rightful ownership, the merchandise in demand by a population of persons, employment for self-sufficiency, the fair monetary payment for Work, are manipulated by artificial Scarcity. If not, the monetary value of merchandise would decrease to near zero, Capitalist Alienation Unemployment that prevents self-sufficiency would cease to exist, and obtaining co-worker's for the purpose of stealing the property they are paying for would cease to exist. If the entire population had Land, then Land Value would drop to zero. If Property was not subjected to Scarcity Economics, then Property Values would drop to zero. And the most invaliding of Money of all phenomena, is the value of Currency dropping to zero with fair payment for work to the entire Population.

Capitalism is possibly Deceptive Scarcity Capitalism, with cults of pathological lying enslaving the entire Population via a cultist desire to exclude all Persons from Existence. Their psychological asset, Money, is the illusion that you can get something from someone, whom is hoarding the exchange object, when they are threatening you with violence. With the concept of Money as a representation for work done, Supply uses Oppression in order to create Demand. "Consumers get what they want with Capitalism" is cancelled by Capitalism existing as Supply Economics, rather than Demand Economics. Artificial Scarcity Economics creates an Economic System of exploitation of a Population with new credit cards, with a simultaneous Death Camp operation for a Population with old credit cards.

All Persons are born with an inalienable right to support themselves to the best of their abilities. With a suspicious representation of Work performed to use for exchange based on work performed, hostile degenerative Authorities can deceive persons concerning their inalienable right to personal control of the resources of the Society they were born into, and will inherit.

Therefore, the concept "Money" is in need of replacement with the concept, "Equity". Everyone is born with Equity, the amount of Work an Individual will perform over a lifetime. The Society the Individual lives in undeniably benefits from Individual Equity. Equity causes all Exchange Items to have their actual Value, a Value obtainable without Criminal Capitalist Alienation hostility. Money is the value of keeping persons away from necessities. Equity is the opposite of Money. Money is a regressive attempt, caused by unconscious childhood trauma, to relegate entire Environments to Death. Equity recognizes the Right of all Persons to Life.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Voting EUC Blocking Republicans Out in 2014

Because of the Republican Party's blocking of the renewal of Federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation, it is now even more of a moral imperative to vote out Republicans during the 2014 Elections.

Wherever a Person works, their Employer is required to buy Unemployment Insurance for the Employees. After 26 weeks of State Unemployment compensation, the Federal Government takes over Unemployment Compensation to Unemployed persons for up to 99 weeks. The Federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation program requires Congressional annual re-approval, and that has always occurred, until the cut off of Federal EUC on December 28, 2013.

Republicans in Congress, blocking the renewal of EUC, have harmed US Citizens by abruptly cutting off their paid for Unemployment Compensation. The CBO has found that the traditional re-approval of EUC would have strengthened the economy, created over 200,000 jobs, and avoided painful suffering.

This non-re-approval of EUC then caused widespread, (unreported in the media), suffering throughout the USA. US Citizens were unable to buy food for themselves and their dependents, Electricity and Water was cut off, Evictions, selling of property to pay rent, living in cars, homelessness, and suicides occurred.

Many US Citizens posted, on the social network Twitter, their experiences with the EUC cut off. The Republican members of Congress that prevented the Renewal of EUC should be held accountable for this tragedy in the USA via replacement with Democratic Party members who have demonstrated an ability to make more intelligent decisions about Government programs related to Employment in the USA.

I took a survey of the #RenewUI Twitter contributors about the effects of EUC non-re-approval. Here is the results of the survey:

41% of the respondents said they have experienced Starvation.
45% were facing possible Eviction.
14% had already been Evicted.
32% said they have had their Heating cut off.
27% had their Electricity cut off.
18% had their Water cut off.
14% have seen their immediate family break-up because of the EUC nonrenewal.
77% were now dependent on members of their Family for support.
9% had become Homeless since December 28, 2013, when EUC ended.
None of the respondents had reported living in their cars, even though this has been reported elsewhere.

Anyone else that shares my concern about the abuse of American Citizens incurred by Republican Party blocking of EUC reapproval, please contact me via Google+, or Twitter @j363j. Thank you very much.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

My theory of Monotheism derived from Polytheism

My theory is that the basic premise of Monotheism is "why are the children of God living in poverty?". This is found as a theme of the monotheist Jews vs. the polytheist Egyptian Empire, and as a theme of the monotheist Christians vs the polytheist Roman Empire.

According to archaeological research, there were occasional appearances of Monotheism in Polytheist ancient Egypt (before Judaism), when there were occasional economic collapses during the 7000 years existence of ancient Egypt.

If, during periods of economic prosperity characterized by a Polytheist religion having popularity, the question "why are the children of (whatever God) living in poverty?" is asked, a convenient answer "because the rich are the children of one God and the poor are the children of another God" is used to mitigate that concern.

When the economy collapsed to a desperate enough level and the amount of Poverty within a society becomes overwhelming, the Poor might then benefit from adopting a new religion that states that the Rich and the Poor are children of the same God, (because there is now one God, instead of several Gods). Then the Poor can use the argument, "why are the children of (the new one and only God) living in poverty?", to their advantage to overthrow the oppressive Rich.

It would have been wise for the current Pharaoh of Egypt to lead the resulting transition to Monotheism. This would explain the Pharaoh Ikhnaton changing his name to "Aton", and leading a transition to a Sun God-derived Monotheism in economically depressed ancient Egypt, centuries before the Monotheist religion Judaism (lead by Moses) appeared.