Friday, August 14, 2015

End the form of False Socialism - Populism

Populism is just a combination of Nationalism and Socialism. Populism is political ambivalence, like Libertarianism, and counter-productive to the cause of ending oppression of the general population. USA Corporations, in order to preserve their Nationalistic evil, would attempt to defeat Socialism by infusing Nationalism within Socialism. If needed, Corporations could even portray accurate economics, caring about other persons, Socialism as violent, (via portraying the ambivalent political term "Populism" as violent).

Why are 2016 USA presidential candidates Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders, often associated with Populism, and the winner of the 2008/2012 presidential elections Barack Obama isn't? Possibly because Barack Obama is associated with internationalism, that suggests International Socialism, (and therefore the opposite of Populism's National Socialism latency). Therefore, in conclusion, it would help if all Democratic candidates renounced Quasi-Nazi, Quasi-Paranoid Populism.