Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Leading Liberalism

The group with the lowest percentage of Liberals, (White Males), are the authors of all the Liberal books, and are most of the membership of Liberal organizations.

This is possibly because there are two basic groups in society that determine this structure, The Prison Guards and The Prisoners. White Males are The Prison Guards, and all other groups are The Prisoners. The Prison Guards are 10% Liberal. The groups that are The Prisoners are between 33% and 90% Liberals.

Liberalism has the theme of liberating The Prisoners. Only The Prison Guards can author books on Liberalism, or have membership in Liberal organizations. The Prison Guards that lead Liberalism combined with the Prisoners that are Liberal are the 50% of the population that are Liberals.

Liberal groups that are lead by, and comprised of, the group in the population with the lowest percentage of Liberals, (White Males), still shun input and membership by the groups in society with the highest percentage of Liberals.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Observations about OccupyDC

The Structure of the Protest
Within the Occupy K St camp are 100 relationship-less men in their 20's, and 5 good-looking women for the 100 men. There is also 5-10 obese women ineffectively committing deception by under-representing the 50% of the general population that are obese women.

If rain occurs, the Occupy K St camp in McPherson Square will turn into mud. If they had a neat camp for the first time in history, that would alleviate a lot of complaints about the Occupation. The reason they don't have a neat camp is because that would be considered unbearable by some of the participants. This is a psychological problem of some of the participants that needs to be solved.

An occupation that would work, is an occupation that looked like the businesspersons having lunch in McPherson Square during lunchtime, except with protesters on blankets on the grass 24 hours a day, and with some of them sleeping somewhere else, and returning to McPherson Square to protest awake, alert, neat, and unarrestable, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Persons that think this is impossible have psychological problems, and don't help society.

Protest Dysfunction
There is disturbing Finders Cult child abuse imagery at Occupy K St. The protesters against economic inequality don't seem to work well with non-whites, or the homeless. The consensus voting hand signs seem to be a mockery of persons voting democratically.

The Anonymous Guy Fawkes mask, (of the averted and savagely prosecuted, November 5, 1605 revolution in England, also the movie "V is for Vendetta"), is the mask of a Terrorist acting pleasant, and the FBI would probably like protesters to wear the mask of a Terrorist. It is also possible that Guy Fawkes is a Winston Smith, (of George Orwell's 1984), character, and in that way also a symbol of revolution.

Protest Infiltration
There is obvious infiltration by FBI Cointelpro. Stop The Machine is probably the FBI's CounterIntelligence Program stopping rebellion against the USA. The Anachist are obviously a plot to make Occupy protest seem violent. Food Not Bombs is a "good cop, bad cop" act that worked with the Washington DC Riot Police to defuse complaints after the September 27, 2002 Pershing Park hogtying of globalization protesters. The DC Fire Department's response to OccupyDC's generator, (yelling "Power to the people" when leaving), is a good cop act to set up the protesters for the bad cop, the riot squad.