Saturday, December 31, 2011

Observation about Government Data

Just a concept - With U.S. citizen's Social Security number from the Soc Sec Administration, the Department of Labor could get the complete Employment History of persons from the IRS. Then combine that data with the complete Education History of persons from the Department of Education. Then elaborate on the Employment History with standardized Performance Review multiple choice questions from Employer HR Departments, (that are the equivalent of USAjobs questionnaires). Then, with address data from the IRS, the Dept. of Labor can automatically fill out a standardized resume for all U.S. citizens.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Fact-Checking and The Occupy Movement

Not only will Twitter and Facebook have an effect on eventual Global Socialist Revolution, Fact Checking via the Internet will contribute to the end of Anti-Democracy Capitalism and Republicanism.

Sociobiology and Unemployment

Within small Tribal Societies, Unemployment and Poverty didn't exist. Everyone in the Tribal village had work, and owned everything their work paid for. When a small tribal group is expanded, unemployment and poverty appears. Suddenly, persons don't have self-supporting work to do everyday. All that occurred was the population expanded.

Not only does unemployment and poverty not exist in small tribal groups, these small tribal groups also have perceived enemies in the form of other tribal groups. Small tribal groups make war with other tribes, and have a variety of fates in store for the enemy tribe if they win against them. Among these fates are being placed in bondage, being placed in stocks, being captured by headhunters, having their heads decapitated and shrunken, etc.

When small tribal group populations expand, they perceive the enemy tribes are now within the population of the former small tribe. This Sociobiological perception of enemies within expanded small tribe populations then causes a new subset of the former tribe to appear, the poor and unemployed.

This effect seems to have a biological origin. If you were to suggest within a society with a large population that unemployment and poverty shouldn't exist, you will receive the reply that this is absurd, unemployment and poverty has to exist, it is inconceivable that their society with a large population could not have unemployment and poverty. What changed was a breakdown of the person's concept of their society that is population dependent, and therefore possibly biological.

If there was a small tribal society that didn't make war against perceived enemies, then it is possible that this small tribal society could be expanded without unemployment and poverty appearing.

The complaints that a small tribal society, (where unemployment and poverty doesn't exist), has against an enemy small tribal society, (where unemployment and poverty also doesn't exist), is possibly the same complaints the expanded society has against the unemployed and poor. The Unemployed and Poor then are subjected to a variety of fates by that expanded society. Justice System persecution, exploitative work pool subjugation, employment search subjugation, mental hospital/psychiatric institute persecution, etc.

As a cure for the hallucinatory phenomena of persons not having work to support themselves, and therefore living an imprisoned and deprived existence, only because of defective psychology within their society, the expansion of democracy to the workplace is needed.

Beyond the expansion of democracy to the workplace, what is interestingly easy to not include in this theory is an important quality of life phenomena. It is possible that the small tribal group that this theory begins with, might have the built-in sabotage of women that men in the tribe consider attractive, not existing. Then in the expanded population version of this society, there is still a men and overweight/obese women only environment, everywhere in that society. Even with a transition to workplace democracy, (to solve the sociobiological problem of unemployment and poverty existing), it is possible that the members of the society are vulnerable to psychosexual warfare tactics, because of a lack of good looking women, (a 60% overweight/ 30% obese population).

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Political Platform Word Cloud

Political Platform Word Cloud

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Theory of the Unconscious of Religion

It is possible that the structure of relationship concepts in the human brain related to Religion has a somatic origin, the same as the rest of Human Psychology.

If it is presumed that pre-Socialist Human Psychology can only conceive of relationships from earlier traumas within the family unit from childhood, and because of childhood amnesia, (a permanent cycle of thinking - the unconscious), it is possible that the outside world, when leaving the family, becomes a new family unit.

The Father of the actual childhood family is promoted to the Father of the outside world, and all persons in existence, his children. The Mother of the actual childhood family is not promoted to the Mother of the outside world, because now in the outside world a no-touching of other persons rule is generated by the Incest Taboo within the Unconscious.

This No Touching in the outside world Transposed Incest Taboo is a Somatic phenomena derived from the Somatic Relationship with the Mother of the actual childhood family, and is therefore a skin surface reference that originated modern world Religion, and other Authoritarianism.

With Capitalism and Republicanism, seeking work, or anything, is seeking Incest, and therefore banned. That is the unconscious tenet of Death Drive, Dystopian Capitalism and Republicanism, that eventually, with the empowerment of individuals, and the evolution of the human brain, will become replaced by Life Drive, non-hallucinatory Socialism.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Leading Liberalism

The group with the lowest percentage of Liberals, (White Males), are the authors of all the Liberal books, and are most of the membership of Liberal organizations.

This is possibly because there are two basic groups in society that determine this structure, The Prison Guards and The Prisoners. White Males are The Prison Guards, and all other groups are The Prisoners. The Prison Guards are 10% Liberal. The groups that are The Prisoners are between 33% and 90% Liberals.

Liberalism has the theme of liberating The Prisoners. Only The Prison Guards can author books on Liberalism, or have membership in Liberal organizations. The Prison Guards that lead Liberalism combined with the Prisoners that are Liberal are the 50% of the population that are Liberals.

Liberal groups that are lead by, and comprised of, the group in the population with the lowest percentage of Liberals, (White Males), still shun input and membership by the groups in society with the highest percentage of Liberals.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Observations about OccupyDC

The Structure of the Protest
Within the Occupy K St camp are 100 relationship-less men in their 20's, and 5 good-looking women for the 100 men. There is also 5-10 obese women ineffectively committing deception by under-representing the 50% of the general population that are obese women.

If rain occurs, the Occupy K St camp in McPherson Square will turn into mud. If they had a neat camp for the first time in history, that would alleviate a lot of complaints about the Occupation. The reason they don't have a neat camp is because that would be considered unbearable by some of the participants. This is a psychological problem of some of the participants that needs to be solved.

An occupation that would work, is an occupation that looked like the businesspersons having lunch in McPherson Square during lunchtime, except with protesters on blankets on the grass 24 hours a day, and with some of them sleeping somewhere else, and returning to McPherson Square to protest awake, alert, neat, and unarrestable, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Persons that think this is impossible have psychological problems, and don't help society.

Protest Dysfunction
There is disturbing Finders Cult child abuse imagery at Occupy K St. The protesters against economic inequality don't seem to work well with non-whites, or the homeless. The consensus voting hand signs seem to be a mockery of persons voting democratically.

The Anonymous Guy Fawkes mask, (of the averted and savagely prosecuted, November 5, 1605 revolution in England, also the movie "V is for Vendetta"), is the mask of a Terrorist acting pleasant, and the FBI would probably like protesters to wear the mask of a Terrorist. It is also possible that Guy Fawkes is a Winston Smith, (of George Orwell's 1984), character, and in that way also a symbol of revolution.

Protest Infiltration
There is obvious infiltration by FBI Cointelpro. Stop The Machine is probably the FBI's CounterIntelligence Program stopping rebellion against the USA. The Anachist are obviously a plot to make Occupy protest seem violent. Food Not Bombs is a "good cop, bad cop" act that worked with the Washington DC Riot Police to defuse complaints after the September 27, 2002 Pershing Park hogtying of globalization protesters. The DC Fire Department's response to OccupyDC's generator, (yelling "Power to the people" when leaving), is a good cop act to set up the protesters for the bad cop, the riot squad.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Theory of the Original Sin

The original sin was possibly Lucifer having an oedipal complex reaction to the creation of humans, and imposing the first false inequality beliefs in the form of "these humans aren't as good as me, Lucifer".

In order to prove this, Lucifer sought to corrupt the first humans, (with the Apple - i.e. the love of money). Lucifer having partially accomplished this, then caused God to give humans the choice of subscribing to Lucifer's anti-all men are created equal beliefs, and live with Lucifer in his land of all men are not created equal evil - dystopian capitalist Hell, or reject the sin of some persons are better than others, and live with God in utopian socialist Heaven. This would explain why Jesus said that the rich do not have a chance of getting into Heaven.

Theory of LGBTs and Repression

Sex is a trick that ensures the continuation of the human species, and is learned from society and not natural. All behavior is learned and not natural. Persons start out in a state of "Infant Polymorphous Perversion", and are unable to put a penis in a vagina. This is Conservatism, the "Death Drive".

Society teaches a complex set of "Inhibitions" about "Infant Polymorphous Perversions". The complex set of inhibitions taught by society cancel out perversions, and allow for the ability to put a penis in a vagina. This is Liberalism, the "Life Drive".

The processes that make the above psychology, (or cycles of behavior), possible occur in the "Unconscious", and do not enter the "Conscious", because of "Repression" within a Society.

LGBTs are the phenomena of inverting their genders to not become the adult version of their genders, because they come from Incest Taboo/no sex families, where the Mother of the family practiced not telling children where they come from, or about sexual intercourse, love relationships, and the outside world, and practiced not approving of the children becoming the adult forms of their genders. In other words, their Mothers didn't want the adult form of their genders to exist.

LGBTs attempted to grow up and failed. Possibly because of the existence of a 50% obese women society with 0.01% good looking women environments. In other words, without any good-looking women, as found in the 1 hundred houses and zero good looking women Suburbs, forty apartment buildings and zero good looking women Labor Class Neighborhoods, and also urban and rural environments. LGBT's are a product of Repressive Societies preventing persons from growing up.

LGBTs are the Introverted, Authoritarian, Incest Taboo Form of Reproduction. Authoritarian Reproduction is the existence of Eunuchs, Nuns, Relationshipless Men, and Obese Blob-Aphids, (or Leilanis). Persons not having sex is not totally accepted by any society. Hysteria in the form of no one seeing the start of a relationship, and good looking women not existing anywhere, seeks to enforce a "no sex" policy on society. The victims of this "no sex" policy are LGBTs.

LGBTs exist in societies that are half way between "no sex" and "you have to have sex". Persons being required to have sex also doesn't exist totally, or else 50% gender neutral obese women environments wouldn't exist, the start of relationships would exist, and proximity to good looking women would be a lot less.

An all-White Male Business World is caused by Matriarchy, and is a Matriarchal Society. Matriarchies, (the same as Matriarchal Ant Society), are derived from the Incest Taboo, (Mothers not telling children about sex, love relationships, and the outside world), and are characterized by All-Male Working Environments, the same as Ant Society. Found in these all-Male Working Environments is usually only Males and Obese Blob-like Women, (the equivalent of Aphids).

The population of the USA is 60% overweight and 30% obese. Despite deceptive imagery in the Media, what actually exists in workplaces in the USA is an environment of 50% obese women, 45% men, and 5% inaccessible non-obese women. This is in contrast to what the 50% of persons that are Women should look like, (possibly non-obese).

For the purpose of ensuring children don't reproduce incestously, Mothers prevent children from knowing about sex, love relationships, and starting relationships via interacting with the outside world. This forbidden existence then becomes hated as Heteropatriarchy, (even though it is where persons come from). This is how gender inversion in pseudo-adult life, (Homophile Heterophobia), is created.

With Mothers enforcing the Incest Taboo, it isn't recognized that two Genders exist, so that they can form couples for Reproduction, (where everyone comes from). Forming couples becomes hated as Heteropatriarchy. The Heterosexual Sex required for anyone to exist becomes hated as Heteropatriarchy. Persons within sexually repressive, Incest Taboo Societies, (with organizations of brothers and sisters in the unrelated adult world, a "never leave your mother" society of repression), hate each other the same way that siblings hate each other in order to not reproduce via incest. This is Matriarchal Society, where Mothers denying sexual intercourse, love relationships, and the outside world, rules over the now hated antisocial, Capitalist and Republican, Outside World.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Federal Government and Job Creation

"Government is not—and should not be—the main engine of job creation in this country. That’s the role of the private sector." Also, voting at work shouldn't exist, the private sector can enforce a homelessness death camp society where 1 out of every 200 adults is working at any one time, and the private sector is permitted to commit lying to harm persons as if a democratic federal government doesn't exist.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Crop Circle Theory

My theory is that Crop Circles are related to Stone Henge in that Crop Circles are produced by Polytheist Paganist at night, and are polytheist temples, the same as Stonehenge.

With the advent of Christianity and Feudal Farming, what then existed in England was Farmers that work all day and slept at night. Someone needed to watch for the destruction of crops by polytheist at night. That is then my theory of the origin of Knights.

List of Aristocratic Designations:








A Knight could move up to being a Count. Interestingly, this was after serving as a Knight, and sleeping during the day, and working at night. This could then get carried on to sleeping during the day, and working at night when serving as a Count. Therefore, it is possible that a Knight continued to be a night owl when they were promoted to Count.

It is also possible that Knights watching crops at night, for protection from Crop Circle polytheist, were corrupted by the activities of post-Christianity Polytheist within Crop Circle improvised Pagan Temples, and this corruption was continued during existence as a Count.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Future of Economics

When Artificial Intelligence and Robots perform all the work, a post-work era will exist. Organic Persons, (presuming share of productivity exists), could then have the status of retired at birth, and receive retirement checks for their entire lives.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Good psychology is getting something out of doing something. Therefore, a right to work should exist, and a parasitic strata of society, (200 persons applying for every available job), shouldn't exist.

Liberalism - Life, creating something new (including new life), working, sex, voting, cleaning up, having a cleaning day, non-amnesia, good looking women existing, the start of relationships existing.

Conservatism - no life allowed, killing anything new (including new life), no working allowed, no sex allowed, no voting allowed, living in trash, not having a cleaning day, never working, never taking anything good given to you, amnesia, 50% obese women environments, no one seeing the start of a love relationship psychosis.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Unknown Election Possibility

In urban areas where the Democratic Party candidate gets 90% of the vote, and the Republican Party candidate gets 10% of the vote, a third party candidate, (Green Party, Socialist Party, Worker's Rights Party, etc.), could run against the Democratic Party candidate and win, without risking that the Republican Party candidate gains anything from the third party candidate taking votes away from the Democratic Party candidate.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Important Twitter Comments Update

Free Higher Education would also eliminate dropping out of High School, needing to get a GED, and not returning for adult education.
3 Jan

Free Higher Education would create learn at personnel pace education, and eliminate the difference between the poor and the middle class.
3 Jan

Is the theme of Time Bandits that Good Looking Women are Mythical, and time with them is being stolen by all-male environments?
30 Dec

Is the theme of Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, etc. that good looking women are mythical?
30 Dec

The Ipad allow bands to play music with all their instruments anywhere, for the first time in history, and record/edit midi/audio/video.
27 Dec

UMPCs allow bands to play their music with all their instruments anywhere, for the first time in history, and record/edit midi/audio/video.
27 Dec

Is there a connection with Virginia & Maryland, and the Virgin Mary?
23 Dec

How much computing power is needed within the PCs scientists have, for personal use, to accomplish breakthroughs in cancer, and AIDS?
23 Dec

Then there is whether bisexuals in the military can switch preferences at the right time, in order to be as deprived as everyone else.
22 Dec

The military now consists of homosexuals, and the traditional persons that can't have sex.
22 Dec

Windows 7, + transparent screens,, demonstrate future visual cortex computing imagery.
21 Dec

I wonder what the 21 organizations spying on the population w/ plain clothes agents involvement in female companionship deception is.
19 Dec

It is interesting that having a fake name/background agents aren't mentioned w/ the Rothschilds, DeBeers Co., etc. Conspiracies.
19 Dec

The New Testament says to take from the poor, and give to the rich. Therefore, what is the Democratic Party doing not following the Bible?
16 Dec

Abortion is possibly secretly related to a secret phenomena of young women getting pregnant the very first time they have sex.
16 Dec

AP The Associated Press
Yahoo rings in holiday season with 600 layoffs, marking fourth major cutback in past 3 years
14 Dec

Anti-Democracy is Misanthropy.
14 Dec

Capitalism, (voting at work not existing), is Misanthropy.
14 Dec

Misanthropy is generalized dislike, distrust, disgust, contempt or hatred of the human species, human nature, or society.
14 Dec

Where is the video of the SpaceX Falcon 9 Dragon capsule reentry and splashdown?
13 Dec

Rue_Margo Margo Street
Surprising? RT @ChristineArena: RT @TreeHugger: Wikileaks Reveals Shell Oil has Agents Installed in Nigerian Gov't
11 Dec

That was predicted by Cyberpunk Science Fiction in the mid-80s, and wasn't needed before personal computers.
8 Dec

My theory of the many Starbucks locations - Starbucks exist as the 2nd half of the lives of persons that live half their lives online.
8 Dec

Capitalism, and Republicanism, is based on lying. Voting at work, and for the government, is based on the truth.
5 Dec