Friday, November 23, 2012

My 2012 Presidential Election Analysis

On November 6, 2012, I sat in front of the television in order to watch the 2012 Presidential Elections, and saw, occurring live, an all white male business world losing to its exploited employees. That was for once a positive development in American politics, and may herald other massive losses by the generators of poverty, crime, violence, un-education, and dysfunctional families everywhere in existence - the False Economics Capitalist Business World. The USA had gained four more years of moving forward. Next, the goal of all concerned Democrats should be the winning of the Senate and House of Representatives for the Democratic agenda in 2014, and getting rid of Republican blockers of positivity.

As the 2012 Presidential Elections were approaching, it became apparent that the final Election Day was taking on the theme of the illegal Republican Voting Fraud Machine opposing the legal Democratic Voter Turnout Machine. At the end of Tuesday, November 6, the Republican Voting Fraud Machine, for all its evil efforts, had lost the Presidential Election. After the elections, when I contemplated voting fraud in national elections, it occurred to me that one problem with voting fraud is that it would have to be a large scale, widespread effort, that utilizes various detectable methods of deceiving the population, the press, and electoral entities. Therefore, intrinsically, voting fraud is easily intercepted, and that is what seemed to occur on Election Day.

The USA Presidential Election of 2012 was the first time an incumbent was outspent during a re-election campaign. Despite this, the greedy rich supporting the Romney campaign, that had contributed more money to Romney’s campaign than 4 million individual contributors had donated to the Obama campaign, lost totally. This loss was in keeping with what being greedy, and malevolent to other persons is about - ultimately losing. If the greedy rich were bargaining on Republican voters having been asleep during the 2008 Presidential Election, then they found out in 2012 their Republican constituents were more non-existent than sleeping.

The result of the Barack Obama victory over the advocates of the malevolent, destructive, (possible fake, via CIA membership) Rich, was a dramatic change in the arrogance of the persons that have from criminal economics in North America. The bodyguards of sadistic criminals throughout the USA, after the Election results came in, were in danger of drowning in their police cars from crying about Election 2012. The sadistic, homosexual rapist guards of Abu Grahib and Gauntanamo prisons also were possibly in remorse that the American population had out-voted their sick evil. Domineering Republicans commented online that only Blacks, Mexicans, Gays, and Idiots were voting for Obama in 2012. Instead, Republican Idiocy and Denial discouraged anyone with the mental capacity above a Tyrannosaurus Rex from voting for the obviously oppressive Mitt Romney.

Factuality distorting, pathologically lying Birthers lost at their conspiracy theory schizophrenia via the re-election of Barack Obama. Clint Eastwood, the NRA, Republican idiots firing guns in campaign ads, were forced to confront their imperial violence losing to an America that has become too intelligent to cooperate with dumbass Republican evil. Enforcers of an all-white male business world lost at discussing business at the firing range. Instead, Republican were massacred by persons voting at a voting booth.

An all-white male business world Scrooging the population had lost the 2012 Elections. The Rich, and their murderous economic bodyguards, (the Police and the Business World), lost with Mitt Romney losing at defeating the re-election of Barack Obama. Retardney would have been a worship festival in the false economics, retarded business world, (that never builds anything right). Instead, mentioning Barack Obama, after re-election on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, became considered out of line by all-white male business world Scrooges. All the lying a false economics business world could commit had lost. It turned out Spartan King Leonidas of the 300, (oppressing Persia, and eventually throwing Christians to the lions), was the equivalent of Emperor Licinius, (of bring back paganism, and throwing Christians to the lions), and also the equivalent of Nazi Mitt Romney of repealing accurate Obama Era economics. All ultimately were Losers in the 2012 Presidential Election battle of employees vs. oppressive employers.

It turns out the purpose of the Occupy Movement, from Sept, 2011 to mid-2012, wasn't to endorse Obama for re-election. Instead the remnants of the Occupy Movement mostly tried to convince the population of the USA to not vote for any candidate during the 2012 Presidential Election. Thereby, this could have lead anyone to conclude that the Occupy Movement had at its core Republican police plants that seeked to dissuade Democrats from voting, and win the 2012 Presidential Election for Mitt Romney. If only Republican Police Undercovers could convince Democrats to Boycott The Vote, then Romney could become the 44th President of the United States, and reinstate oppression that the voters of the USA had began rebelling against. The rebellion against oppression represented by Obama defeating McCain in 2008 was still occurring in 2012.

Republican, and Quasi-Republican Libertarian, police undercovers in Occupy tried to stop anti-oppression by trying to stop Democrats from voting in Election 2012. They had also lost because Boycott the vote and “Democrats and Republicans are the same thing”, couldn't prevent an Obama re-election victory. About the Occupy Movement and the 2012 Presidential Election: Whatever undercover police agents that thought up the People of Color Working Group had lost at implementing the return of segregation within their police plant dominated fake protest group, with the re-election of African-American Barack Obama. My analysis of the Occupy Movement is that the core group of Occupy is controlled by the FBI, that is controlled by Republicans, that control the Business World and Wall Street.

Even with all the amazingly unrealistic, paranoid conspiracy theories of mentally deficient Republicans, Obama did a great job as Chief Executive of the federal government during his first four years. However, as a result of Barack Obama’s re-election, the maintenance costs of attack drones is likely to go up, with water damage from Republican subcontractors crying over the 2012 Presidential Election. Violent, evil, malicious Republicans pursuing the maintenance of an unable-to-vote, undocumented immigrant labor force, that exists to keep the rich in power, would have to shiver at the possible gains in liberation of oppressed labor workers that could be made during the next four years. The SEIU, and all employees of cruel Republicans everywhere, had emerged victorious after the Election 2012 victory of the Obama campaign.

Sucking the blood of the population and then never building anything right, Ronald Reagan was a good President, Jimmy Carter having only 4 years as President, Obama is a Tyrant, (Tyrant is code for escaped slave), all lost. The all-white male business world’s binders full of oppressed women were elected to the US Senate. Interestingly, none of the news services mentioned that 20 out of 100 senators now being women is a possible set-up for a 1st woman president. The 2012 Presidential Election has now given the US population knowledge of available binders full of haters: Republicans whose oppression is to be further rejected in the future.

The Gallup and Rasmussen anti-cellphone, all-white male, Republican business world, polling services are officially recognized as idiots after having stated, "We still don't need to call cell phones, and Romney will win the election". Any pollsters that had a need to sell accurate polls predicted an Obama victory. Gallup/Rasmussen made obvious the fact that they have no need to sell accurate polls, in order to sell to the delusional.

The idiotic Right Wing’s response to the defeat of their idiotic, paranoid Nationalism was to fantasize about an exodus of Republican morons from the former Nazi States of America. Republican Ogres could only participate in a group delusion about their bullying losing. The Tea Party Rebellion against Democratic Government, and for Taxation without Representation, lost. America is losing its lying and stealing Republic, Republicans practicing Denial, and Republican use of insulting the opposition tactics had lost.

Finally, millions of non-rich contributors, Move On, OFA, DCCC, DSCC, and victims of the prison-industrial complex, had won. In conclusion, the author of this blog would like to say to mentally ill, delusional Know Nothing Republican oppressors enforcing one out of every two hundred adults working at one time, An All White Male Business World, 50% Obese Women Environments, never building anything right psychosis, and imploding company capitalism: Yes We Can.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Parks within Urban Areas

I am sitting at a Starbucks in downtown Washington DC, looking at an Urban Park, and contemplating what "Parks" are. Parks seem to be isolated areas of nature within a man-made environment. As isolated areas of nature, they seem also to be the theme of getting artifacts, or resources, for free from nature, unlike existence in the man-made environment around Parks. Therefore, Parks are where persons go to spend time in an environment where you get resources for free, resources from nature.

Also found in Parks within urban areas are Homeless persons gathering to get free supplies for the Homeless. That then makes Parks even more the theme of getting resources for free. Before man-made environments and Parks, there were only natural environments, where all resources were for free, except the Human Beings in those pre-civilization natural environment were also resources, (food), for free for Predators.

Human Beings eliminated the ability of Predators in natural environments considering Human Beings as a source of free food. Human Beings not only eliminated Predators that considered them prey, they also manufactured man-made environments within natural environments. Then a new world existed. A world of man-made environments and natural environments. Human Beings didn't have any Predators in the natural environments anymore, except other Human Beings using natural environments to establish an ownership hierarchy where Human Beings were hunted as a free resource for other Human Beings.

Man-made environments were almost exclusively characterized by Human Beings existing as the Predators that other Human Beings had to try to not become victimized by. In natural environments, the only remaining Predators were other Human Beings. Both in man-made and natural environments the only Predator Human Beings had to deal with were other Human Beings.

If education, work, and housing for all adults existed, then Human Beings using natural environments, (Urban Parks), or man-made environment, ("Civilization"), to get free resources for the Homeless, wouldn't exist. Also, Human Beings would have eliminated the last Predator of Human Beings, themselves.

Considering Capitalism/Republicanism, is the last Predator of Human Beings actually other Human Beings, or the mental illness, Paranoia? Are anti-workplace democracy Capitalism and Republicanism, actually forms of "Persons Are Created Unequal" paranoia, that "All Men Are Created Equal" in the USA Declaration of Independence sought to cure and set right after eons of victimization by Human Beings preying on other Human Beings? Will workplace democracy and democratic government, the opposite of false economics, paranoid Capitalism and false government, paranoid Republicanism, cause lazyness at work leading to conditions for Human Beings worse than a Capitalist Homelessness Death Camp Society?

If this scenario is a reality, and not a Capitalist/Republican paranoid delusion, then Human Beings could never eliminate their final Predator. My theory is that Technological Depreciation ending Paranoid Authoritarianism will eventually bring about world workplace democracy, and the end of the Homeless living in Parks in order to receive resources for free, and the end of Human Beings in man-made environments considering other Human Beings as resources for free.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Employment Mobility within Capitalism

I created an "Employment Mobility Chart" that shows how Temp Agencies are a form of Entrapment within Capitalism.

There is a 4 year average lifespan of companies in the business world. The average employment duration is 1 year. During the first 2 years of a company's existence, they usually hire recent college graduates, that then develop programs to sell the company's products and services. After 2 years they have all been fired, and the programs they developed have failed to accomplish solvency for the company.

During the last 2 years of a company's existence, they then re-hire the college graduates that they fired, in the form of hiring temporaries to operate the failed programs that the starting employees developed. Until the company goes out of business within 4 years.

Capitalist lying ensures that persons looking for employment are perpetually unaware of this suspiciously negative phenomena in the false economics Capitalist business world.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

End Apologist Philosophy

Philosophers have always been apologists for the Authorities. Socrates through Derrida have failed, in their own seemingly deceptive way,  to challenge authoritarian pathological lying to the population. Modern Philosophy, (Post-Structuralism - Deconstructionism), is still Authoritarian subversion via avoidance of applying Philosophy to effect Society. My problem with Post-Structuralism is that Post-Structuralism possibly overemphasizes the unconscious, (without identification as the unconscious).

Philosophers are the opposite of Authorities. Philosophy is the opposite of Bullying. The Authorities have never allowed Philosophers to exist, and when the Authorities are the strongest, Philosophers don't exist, i.e. Roman Empire, Egyptian Empire, 20th Century with Third Reich Nazi Germany influenced anti-Philosophy Authoritarianism. The closest to actual Philosophers that have ever existed have been possibly Socrates and Sartre, with Anti-Authoritarianism characteristic of the homeless. The homeless are also the opposite of the Authorities, the same as Philosophers. Actual Philosophers, (with accurate Philosophy), will possibly only exist with the end of Homelessness, Poverty, and Unemployment.

According to Freud, in 'Beyond the Pleasure Principle', Liberalism is Life and Conservatism is Death. The general population can not, of course, have the concept of Liberalism being Life and Conservatism being Death, therefore the Authorities, having an interest in preserving Conservatism, (that has been scientifically disproven as anything that should exist), have most likely engaged in a campaign of purposively deceiving the population regarding Freudian discoveries about Human Psychology.

A form of psychology exists that denies that persons have psychologies, minds, individuality, or past histories - Behaviorism. Freudian Psychology treats the cause, Behaviorism and Cognitive Psychology treats the effect. Behaviorism seems to involve maintaining a society of defective persons with temporary cures.

Insanity is being unsanitary, (including behavior), in the environments of other persons, & not caring what other persons think. Sanity is caring what other persons think. The Id is the greedy Inner Self of persons, that society prefers to not see. The Ego is the outer surface of the Inner Self, that determines that the Inner Self should stop, and creates an image for other persons. The Superego is the combination of the outer surfaces of persons, that they are showing to the outside world.

OCD Hoarding, (that is possibly the mental illness Ambivalance derived from a Oedipal Complex), is de-emphasized by oppression of the population Authoritarianism. 'Path through the trash' OCD Hoarding possibly leads to opposite of 'Cleanliness is next to Godliness' Satanism. OCD Hoarding is not recognizing having a Clean Up Day, because of regression leading to not recognizing responsible adult existence, and can possibly regress from Living in Trash to worshipping the Devil. Symptomatic of OCD Hoarding is possibly never working, never building anything right, never making money, conserving trash, dirt, germs, and unsanitary conditions, and preventing the liberty of persons the OCD Hoarder has access to.

Authoritarianism would like to promote alienation in order to oppress the entire population, and deny individuality/productive existences. A Syndrome turns into a Phobia, a Phobia turns into a Mania. If you can't talk about it, there is probably something wrong with it. Society not interacting with families, combined with false economics Capitalism, causes dysfunctional, co-dependent, domestic violence families.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Recognition of Society, then Actual Economics

Paranoid Luddite Capitalism can never build anything right, because Capitalism is the act of not recognizing Society. Recognizing society would be Socialism.

Recognizing society, when building products in the Corporate world, would lead to the recognition of the ownership of the company by the persons who paid for all the company's property, (beyond paying for their own salaries). That would lead to the employees of the company operating the company via voting, and that is Communism, (recognition of actual economics, after recognition of society).

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Options for Sustainable Solar and Wind Power Generation

Although maligned for decades and sabotaged by Oil Companies, (such as Atlantic Richfield Company, Arco), Solar Power, and also Wind Power, have made advances since the turn of the century, and are now optimally positioned to generate a large percentage, (even major percentage), of the Electricity requirements of the World.

The Benefits of Sustainable Power Generation are the ability to generate power without Blackouts caused by Storms, Hurricanes, Blizzards, Power Plant accidents, Power Line, and Transformer Station accidents. Solar/Wind Power is also immune from Blackouts caused by Warfare, and therefore more secure than centralized, non-sustainable power generation. An already familiar benefit of Solar/Wind Power is Power Generation without use of non-sustainable and polluting resources, (i.e. Oil, Coal, and Uranium).

I put together this blog on Solar/Wind Power for the following reasons - 1) to practice creating a Presentation with the Web 2.0 program, SlideRocket, and 2) in order to delineate my concepts of efficient Solar/Wind Power generation and Electricity Storage, utilizing Cogeneration.

Therefore, I advocate entities, interested in the end of non-sustainability, persue the following Cogeneration options for Solar/Wind Power -
1) Cogeneration without Battery Storage. Instead of Battery Storage, the Solar/Wind power generation and electricity use by individual cogenerators is digitally monitored. Extra generated electricity can be sent, via a cogeneration grid, to cogenerators that are temporarily undergenerating electricity, because of lack of sunlight or wind.

2) Cogeneration with Community Battery Storage. Individual cogenerators would generate Solar or Wind Power without individual Battery Storage, the same as option 1. However, local community scale Battery Storage Facilities would allow cogenerators to have locally available stored electricity, in case of temporary undergeneration of electricity. The local Battery Storage could send electricity anywhere in the cogeneration grid, also.

3) Cogeneration with Power Plant Scale Battery Storage. This option would involve Local Solar/Wind Power Generation with the availability of Large Scale Battery Storage Facilities that have replaced Power Plants, and are instead used for Electricity Storage. The objective of this option is the storing of large amounts of extra electricity, with the option of sending, via the cogeneration grid, extra electricity to Cogeneration customers temporarily undergenerating electricity.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Anarchy is a Conspiracy of Deception

Anarchy is a conspiracy of deception. Anarchists are Republicans/Capitalists/the Authorities conspiring with the Police, (and Government Intelligence), to portray Socialism as chaos, and a continuation of the old evils of the Capitalist authorities.

Anarchists appear evil, mean spirited, and violent. They are obviously a secret conspiracy of the Authorities to make Socialists look violent, (in order to justify neutralization of Socialism). Anarchists give the impression that if Socialism takes over, they will bring back the destructiveness, mean-spiritedness, and Oedipal Complex repression of Capitalism.

Anarchists are evil and no good, in opposition to the good of Socialists that they cohabitat with. Anarchists are obviously the Police, Republicans, evil, satanic, mean spirited, and thier imposition of their no good on Socialists is obviously intended for sabotage.

The symbol of Anarchism is designed by the Police/Government Intelligence to resemble, and suggest, Satanism. When Anarchists are co-protesting with Socialists, the Anarchy Symbol gives the appearance that someone is worshipping Satan. The objective: a propagandistic image that sabotages the good Socialists that Anarchists cohabitat, and co-protest, with.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rights, Ecosystems, and Production

Peace groups are interception of Civil Rights groups. "Civil Rights" refers to the rights of persons within a civil area, (for example - a Country). Civil Rights is actually Human Rights, or Universal Human Rights. Universal Human Rights is extendable to Sentience Rights.

By "Rights", what is meant is treating entities right, or right treatment vs. wrong treatment. Right treatment is not ending Life with Death, or Ambivalence leading to, or directed to, Death. Therefore, the Rights of Entities is a subject of Life vs. Death, or Life Drives vs. Death Drives. Research has proven that Liberalism is the Life Drive, and Conservatism is the Death Drive.

Beyond Sentience Rights, objects, (or organizations of objects), are possibly considered an "Ecosystem", with an influence on Life vs. Death. Therefore, Sentience Rights are a subset of Ecosystem Rights.

Ecosystem Rights, and all of its subsets, are not only a matter of Life vs. Death and Liberalism vs. Conservatism. They are the subject of "Share of Production", (interestingly, Share of Production of everything in existence including societies, groups in societies, humans, sentience, organisms, environments, and ecosystems).

Friday, April 6, 2012

Replacing Two Party Democracy with No Party Democracy

The problem with Two Party Democracy is that persons that register as a member of one of the two parties are vulnerable to targeting for assassination, or disablement, in order to unbalance the vote in favor of the other party.

With a No Party Democracy, persons would not sabotage their private vote by revealing their political affiliations via registering as a member of a political party, in order to vote in that party's primary elections.

If a society adopts a No Party system of Democracy, Two Party Democracy countries will call them a One Party Democracy, where persons are oppressed by not having any alternatives when voting. This deception is intended to ensure the continuation of intimidation tactics Two Party Democracy, with segmentation of targetable oppressed persons and their sympathizers.

Even more deceptive, Multi-Party Democracy, allows for prioritizing of assassination and disablement based on Party, and would benefit from reform into a No Party Democracy, even with deception committed by intimidation tactics forced party membership pseudo-Democracies.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Democracy vs. Delusionalism

Accurate relationships between owners of property is democratic government. Accurate relationships between producers of products is democratic production with workplace voting.

Accurate relationships between owners of property is socializing property ownership relations with democratic government, and accurate relationships between persons contributing to production is socializing production with democratic companies where the persons paying for the company own the company, and vote in order to operate the company they paid for.<

Accurate relationships between persons that are available to produce future generations of persons is democratic reproduction in the form of the start of relationships existing vs. authoritarian reproduction with matchmaking, spying on the population, and obese women going to the sperm bank to have tortured children. Therefore, a democratic 50% good looking women population represents accurate reproduction, and an authoritarian 50% obese women population is a false method of persons reproducing, imposed by insane paranoid authorities, pathologically lying to a all-male homosexual population, about the existence of good looking women.

Accurate Equality is persons being Different and Equal. Inequality based on petty differences is not accurate relationships, any place in existence, and societies should be classless, with equal opportunity for all persons. Accuracy in Levels in society is Leveling like in the mid-1600's democracy vs. aristocracy Levellers rebellion in England. With the evolution of the human brain, and the elimination of false inequalities, the propagandists that, (possibly because of lack of intelligence), invented the term, 'Levellers', will not prevail in their counter-equality oedipal complex goals.

Capitalists are modern Loyalists. Fighting accurate relationships of production with false economics Capitalism, the same way Loyalists in the 1600's fought accurate relationships of property to preserve the existence of false government Aristocracy.

Capitalism and Republicanism are Freudian, never leave your mother, the outside world not existing, pathological lying false economics and government, never build anything right, direct hire not existing, employment not existing, unemployment racketeering, total enslavement of the population paranoia, (with deception that has the objective of making the entire population slaves with a master that is ultimately never leaving your mother, pathologically lying, paranoia from childhood, or the Incest Taboo).

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Backing up Social Media Content

On my day off, Tuesday, I gave some of these solutions, (for the problem of backing up Social Media content), a try.

I didn't try Google Takeout, because i didn't think downloading Google Docs content is a problem to begin with.

I have already downloaded all my Facebook content, so I have already verified that works.

Tried today, and my Google Calendar now includes my Twitter comments. Very easy to program, and a Web 2.0 innovation (programming website data interactions).

Backupify seems to be a large scale corporate solution, and works well, except export is possibly difficult.

Didn't try Tweet Library, because it is for IOS devices only.

BackUpMyTweets was a runaround that I would advice persons to avoid.

Finally, Tweetguard seems to have the best interface, however it will only back up about 360 twitter posts.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Get Money out of Politics

Delaying Tactics - Not having popular support, Protests without massive popular support, Yelling slogans without massive popular support, Blocking the paths of persons without massive popular support, 'Stopping the Machine' as in Henry David Thoreau's On Civil Disobedience, Barricading in residential areas as in the Paris Commune, Red Brigades that end with a shoot out with the police when barricaded in residential areas, Rioting without massive popular support, a moderate amount of persons signing a sabotaged petition that threatens persons and could lead to the arrest of persons signing the petition.

Non-Delaying Tactics - Confirmed Popular Support of a very large segment of the population, A very large segment of the population signing a non-sabotaged petition that doesn't commit them to advocating civil disobedience.

The Occupy Movement has proven ineffective in getting a majority of the population, (or even a very large segment of the population), to protest money influencing government. The Occupy Movement has practiced massive non-inclusion of the population, (that would like to end the influence of money on politics), that indicates that the Occupy Movement is infiltrated by agents of entities that would like to preserve the influence of money in politics.

The Occupy Movement, under the control of sabotaging police/government intelligence agents, has pursued a policy of preventing any progress in getting money out of politics, by using the delaying tactics listed above.

The replacement of deceptive delaying tactics by the non-delaying tactics, (also listed above), should become the policy of any sincere organization of getting money out of politics and implementing the cessation of the societal problems described by the Occupy Movement Declarations.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Aristocracy, Waste, Laziness, and Pettiness

After Supported-By-Taxes Aristocracy was replaced by Democracy, persons that have the psychology of they are in some way Aristocracy, and then go to work to make money, came into existence. These persons are found in Suburbia, and are the Middle Class, and Management.

What was interesting about the existence of Aristocracy, was a psychology and culture of Waste and Laziness that characterised Aristocratic life. After the end of Aristocracy, the next culture of waste and laziness that remained, was the culture of waste and laziness found in Middle Class, (or Bourgeois), existence characterized by periods of unemployment and temporary agency bondage.

Besides having a culture of waste and laziness, that the oppressed couldn't question, the Bourgeois also were the next practitioners of Unjust Economics, characterised by pathological lying about economics, that then divided society into new post-aristocracy Classes.

In addition to dividing society into new Classes, a psychology of Pettiness existed after the end of Aristocracy, characterised by jealousy and envy over minor differences in persons. This jealousy and envy over minor differences in persons then perpetuates a non-belief in "All Men Are Created Equal", (the USA Declaration of Independence). This pettiness over minor differences in persons is the cause of racism and sexism in societies.

The persistence of petty jealousy and envy in human psychology, (leading to dysfunctional waste, laziness, and lying), could find an end in the implementation of accurate economics, egalitarian Socialism.