Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My Theory of Praying, and the Unconscious

The Unconscious is the Memories residing in a Person's Brain that are Memories that are organized in the Brain to never be remembered again. The Unconscious mostly consists of nasty and unpleasant memories that persons usually don't remember, or associate with their self-images.

When persons experience something unpleasant they might become amnesiac about the specific occurrence right after the event. Later when sleeping that night, their brain enters a dream phase during sleep, during the dream the memories from the previous day are stacked in order of importance of memorization to the dreaming person. Nasty, unpleasant occurrences during the previous day are placed at the bottom of a stack of Memories, and thereby made Amnesiac. These Memories, now filed as Amnesia, have become the Unconscious, and might surface later, through the more pleasant memories stacked above them, in altered form when the individual is awake.

My Theory of Praying, with the palms of the hand pressed together, and the fingers pointing upwards, is that this tradition is caused by the Unconscious memory of washing your hands after going to the bathroom. When something occurs that someone is motivated to pray about, is it possible that they are motivated to clean up the event that they are praying about, via prayer and the praying hands position derived from hand-washing?

Persons need to wash their hands after going to the bathroom, (an event that is forgotten, and then contributes to that person's Unconscious), before eating, and whenever the hands become unclean or contact unclean surfaces or objects. Persons pray about events for a Deity to help correct, before sleeping, or as a regular ritual. Interestingly, persons also possibly have an inner voice of their Mothers telling them to wash their hands for acceptability in society. Prayer, with an Unconscious hand-washing reference, might also involve the perception of voices interacting with the praying person.

Are these voices of communication with a Deity, the memory of Mothers telling children to wash their hands after unpleasant, amnesiac occurrences where hand-cleaning is required? My suggestion is that this theory is worthy of research into the various coincidental phenomena involved.

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