Thursday, July 6, 2023

Forensics with Large Language Model Artificial Intelligence

As an experiment in forensics with LLM AI, I gave Google Bard the following prompt:

Write a story with the following theme: "infiltration, ruse, set piece operation, false flag, false rescue, disruption operation, sting operation".

The objective is to elucidate the meaning within the NSA Disruption Operation presentation slide above. This is the Google Bard response:

The year is 2042. The world is a very different place than it was just a few decades ago. Climate change has ravaged the planet, and many major cities have been abandoned. In the midst of this chaos, a new terrorist group has emerged: the Black Hand.

The Black Hand is a ruthless organization that is dedicated to bringing about the downfall of the global order. They have carried out a series of devastating attacks, and they show no signs of stopping.

The only hope of stopping the Black Hand is to infiltrate their ranks. This is where Agent Smith comes in. Smith is a highly skilled operative who has been tasked with infiltrating the Black Hand and gathering intelligence.

Smith's mission is a dangerous one. The Black Hand is well-funded and well-armed, and they will stop at nothing to protect their secrets. But Smith is determined to succeed, no matter the cost.

Smith's first step is to create a ruse. He pretends to be a sympathetic terrorist who is eager to join the Black Hand. He uses this ruse to gain the trust of the Black Hand's leaders, and he is eventually invited to join their inner circle.

Once Smith is inside the Black Hand, he begins to gather intelligence. He learns about their plans for future attacks, and he identifies their weaknesses. He also plants false information, which he hopes will lead to the Black Hand's downfall.

After months of undercover work, Smith is finally ready to strike. He leads the Black Hand into a false rescue operation, which allows him to capture their leaders. With the Black Hand's leadership in custody, the organization is effectively neutralized.

Smith's mission is a success, but it comes at a price. He is forced to kill several members of the Black Hand, including some of his closest friends. But he knows that it was necessary to stop the Black Hand from carrying out their plans.

Smith's story is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope. With courage and determination, even the most dangerous threats can be defeated.

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