Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Outline Of A Physics Theory

Binary Plank Wave/Object/Gravity Theory

The following proposes a theory of new physics related to the origin of the universe, plank constants, gravity, an information field, and the digital vs analog structure of the universe.

The postulates of this theory of new physics are:

Section 1 - Planck Constant

1a) The origin field of the universe is a field of planck length wave/object duality.

1b) The individual planck constants contain a gravitational field that prevents any information from escaping.

1c) Therefore, the base 1 field of planck constants is the primary field of zero information.

1d) Base 1 consists of no information, in the form of an infinite series of one number only. i.e. 0000... or 11111...

1e) Because only one pattern can exist in base 1, no information with enough complexity to be considered information exists within base 1.

1f) A base 1 field of planck constants simultaneously exists everywhere, and is unfindable anywhere.

1g) A base 1 field of planck constants can never have any dimensions. Dimensions, (including time), can only emerge out of a base 1 field.

1h) The dimension of time emerging from a planck constant is provable via relativity.

1i) A base 1 field can only emerge from a planck constant. The original planck constant or the resulting planck constant field, are unfindable.

1j) A base 1 field enforces a maximum speed limit via internal forces within a planck constant.

Section 2 - Gravity

2a) The beginning of the base 2 information field is the gravitational field interactions of the base 1 field of planck constants.

2b) Gravitational field interactions of planck constants create all other fields via symmetry breaking.

2c) Symmetry breaking of the base 2 digital information field creates cellular automata structures, that appear as the analog structures of the universe.

2d) Base 2 is the first number system that can create any information.

2e) Therefore, planck constants are the zero field, (or zero point field), and gravity is the one field.

2f) When the zero field and the one field interact, the binary base 2 digital information field is created.

Section 3 - Digital vs Analog

3a) Digital information can simulate all analog structures.

3b) Analog can never accurately simulate digital by definition of analog.

3c) Therefore, the ultimate structure of the universe is digital.

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