Sunday, August 13, 2017

Ban Symbols of Nazi Germany, and the Confederacy, in the USA

The same thing that happened to the Confederacy and Nazi Germany should happen to Donald Trump's advocates, the terrorist Alt-Right Nazis.
Public symbols of Nazism, (Swastikas, statues of Hitler, Himmler, and other Third Reich psychotics), are banned in Germany. Public symbols of the Confederacy, (the Confederate Flag, ignorant terrorist Confederate Generals), should be banned in the USA. It is now the right time to ban public symbols of Nazism in the USA, also (and hopefully everywhere in the World).
The soon to be impeached illegitimate President Donald Trump is obviously a secret KKK member, and probably a secret Nazi, that has only become President via an election fraud conspiracy involving an opponent of the USA, Russia.
The other Nationalist dictators and tyrants in the White House, that are in need of removal, are Sebastian Gorka, Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, Betsy DeVos, and Jeff Sessions.

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