Michael Caputo:
"Oligarchs get away with almost everything. Moscow. New York. Tomato, Tomato."
Donald Trump:
“We can’t let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!”
Konstantin Rykov:
“I’m ready. What should I do?"
Felix Sater:
“I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected."
“Buddy, our boy can become President of the USA and we can engineer it ... I will get all of Putin's team to buy in on this.”
Paul Manafort:
“How do we use to get whole. Has OVD operation seen?”
“Tell V boss that if he needs private briefings we can accommodate.”
Geoge Papadopoulos:
“Some interesting messages coming in from Moscow about a trip when the time is right.”
“The Russian government has an open invitation by Putin for Mr. Trump to meet him when he is ready”
Rob Goldstone:
"The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents...
This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr Trump – helped along by Aras and Emin."
Donald Trump Jr:
"Thanks Rob, I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer."
Kevin McCarthy:
"The Russians hacked the DNC and got the opp research that they had on Trump."
"There's two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump."
Donald Trump:
“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”
Roger Stone:
"Trust me, it will soon the Podesta's time in the barrel."
Michael Caputo:
"More files coming from Guccifer DCCC hack regarding Hispanic issues. Wait for it in 3... 2... annnnd..."
Peter Smith:
“We knew the people who had these were probably around the Russian government”
“I’m talking to Michael Flynn about this — if you find anything, can you let me know?”
Konstantin Rykov:
“At the very beginning of the brave and romantic [story] was not very much. A pair of hacker groups, civil journalists from WikiLeaks and political strategist Mikhail Kovalev.”
KT MacFarland:
“If there is a tit-for-tat escalation Trump will have difficulty improving relations with Russia, which has just thrown U.S.A. election to him,”
Steve Bannon:
“Kushner was taking meetngs with Russians to get additional stuff. This tells you everything about Jared.”
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Friday, September 1, 2017
Methods of Trump-Russia Election Fraud

1) Preparing the Election Fraud field via utilization of corrupt Political Action Committee tactics, (tactics exemplified by Karl Rove’s American Crossroads, and Nathan Sproul’s Strategic Allied Consulting):
1a. Turn in forged Republican registration forms to County Election Boards. The objective is to ensure feasibility of the results of subsequent falsified elections by creating an artificial Republican-to-Democrat balance.
1b. Have canvassers visit homes of voters, then fill out Republican and Democrat registration forms for previously unregistered voters. Then, throw away the Democrat registration forms. The Democrats whose registration forms were thrown away will then attempt to vote, and find out they are unable to vote because they are not yet registered voters.
1c. Building a GPS coordinate database of Republican and Democrat voters. Thereby, allowing for address-specific target of possibly illegal voter suppression tactics.
2) Planning an illegal election engineering campaign with Russian Oligarchs, the government of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and the Kremlin.
3) Integration of Cambridge Analytica’s psychological voter profiling information, the Trump Campaign’s voter information database, private health insurance customer data, and illegal hacked data from Russian Government Intelligence (GRU), including DNC Voter Data, State Voter Registration data, Voting Machine databases, and Facebook and LinkedIn data.
4) Illegal utilization of the Russian Government’s FSB-obtained information on Hillary Clinton.
5) Illegally coordination of a Social Media deception campaign, with Russian Government Social Media Intelligence.
6) Illegally coordination of Pseudo-News websites to disinform the USA Population, with Russian Government Operatives.
7) Implementation of illegal tactics to schedule diversionary activities for Democrat voters on Election Day, November 8, 2016. For example, operating a campaign that called voters on November 8, 2016, in order to deceive them about casting a vote.
8) Illegal production/distribution/operation of Voting Machine/Polling Station hacking software.
9) Illegal coordination of Domestic Operatives and Russian Operatives to attempt a massive break-in of USA Voting Machines on November 8, 2016.
10) Operating an illegal campaign of disabling targeted USA Polling Places on November 8, 2016.
11) Cover up operations after Inauguration.
In order to conclusively prove the above Election Fraud efforts were a result of cooperation between the Trump Campaign and Russia, leaked emails of Trump Campaign personnel communicating with Russian Operatives, Agents, Oligarchs, the Kremlin, or Politicians are required.
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
The Evidence For Trump-Russia
1) The dramatic turnaround in Election Polls vs the results of the 2016 Presidential Election:
2) The Christopher Steele, private intelligence, Trump-Russia Dossier:
3) The Ukraine Black Ledger:
4) The Intelligence Community report on Russian hacking of 2016 USA Presidential Election:
5) Felix Sater's criminal activity involving Donald Trump, Don Trump Jr., and Ivanka Trump:
6) Carter Page's Secret Russian/Trump Campaign contacts:
7) RNC Conference Platform Change after Kisylak meeting:
8) Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, & Wendy Deng-Murdoch vacation during 2016 campaign:
9) General Michael Flynn's Secret Russian Contacts:
10) The Alfa Bank/Trump Tower/Spectrum Health secret DNS connection:
11) Brad Parscale's salary, and Russian hacked voter data:
12) Roger Stone - Guccifer 2.0 tweets:
13) The Russian Government Election Rigging document:
14) Paul Ryan "Putin's Payroll" tape
15) Jared Kushner's request to use Russian Embassy Spy Comms:
16) Donald Trump's requests to 3 top officials to refute Trump-Russia:
17) Republican Operative Sought Clinton Emails from Russian Hackers:
18) Don Trump Jr, Paul Manafort, Jared Kushner June, 2016 meeting with Representatives from Moscow, Russia:
19) Report says USIC Agencies heard Russian Government officials discussing Trump team in 2015:
20) Attorney General Jeff Sessions pathologically lied about Russian meetings, Intel intercepts show:
21) Lawsuit alleges Donald Trump collaborated to falsify a news article:
22) Donald Trump dictated son’s misleading statement on meeting with Russian lawyer:
23) USIC intercepted Russian agents' chatter that Paul Manafort asked for their help:
24) Trump's "Foreign Policy Adviser", George Papadopoulos, attempted to set up Russia meetings:
25) Russian Mafia Boss' son Felix Sater's Emails Shows Trump Family Met about Felony Past:
26) Trump Tower Russian Mafia Gang Does Old-School Gambling in a New Way:
27) The billionaire Republican Party patron behind Donald Trump's social media bot army:
28) Ukrainian malware expert providing evidence of GRU's Trump-Russia hacking:
29) 2.5 Gigabytes of 2016 Democrat Voter Data, from Russian hacker, transmitted to Roger Stone:
30) Felix Sater emailed plan to get Putin, and Russian Government, to engineer the 2016 Elections:
31) Michael Cohen asked Kremlin aide for meetings re: the Sater Election Fraud emails:
Epilogue 1) Other, (as of now secret), Testimony to Federal Investigators:
Epilogue 2) Secret Intelligence Agency Surveillance Information:
Postscript 1) Support My Research
If you would like to be the first to support the research posted to my blogs:
Postscript 2) The Evidence for Trump-Russia: (CONCLUSION)
Please comment with any additional information.
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Possibilities of a Donald Trump - Rodrigo Duterte Connection
1) Asset Forfeiture from Drug Dealers in the Philippines, and MS-13 in the USA.
2) Covert Opioid Import/Export between the Philippines and the USA
3) Covert Money Laundering of Asset Forfeiture funds, and Drug Money.
4) Social Media Agents, confidential personnel in the Philippines impersonating USA citizens for Trump.
5) Techniques for a USA Head of State to act outside of the Law, like Duterte, the Philippines'' Law Breaking Head of State. For example, rallying USA reactionaries and fighting domestic Justice departments.
6) Possible influx of prostitution from the Philippines to the USA, utilizing contemporary Prostitution apps, and opposing Chinese prostitution in the USA.
7) Moving the Supply-Side Drug Market from poor Mexico to the slightly less poor Philippines.
8) Mutual support infrastructures for unstable, fascistic Leaders that demonstrate hateful, destructive public speech characteristics.
9) Other Human Trafficking Slavery. A secret infusion of immigration from the Philippines, to fill in economic voids left by deported, formerly aspiring-to-middle-class Latin immigrants.
10) Covert Arms sales from the USA to the Philippines to fight ISIS in the Philippines.
Government Officials possibly involved: USA President Donald Trump, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, White House Communications Director Hope Hicks, and Trump Campaign Digital Director Brad Parscale.
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Ban Symbols of Nazi Germany, and the Confederacy, in the USA
The same thing that happened to the Confederacy and Nazi Germany should happen to Donald Trump's advocates, the terrorist Alt-Right Nazis.
Public symbols of Nazism, (Swastikas, statues of Hitler, Himmler, and other Third Reich psychotics), are banned in Germany. Public symbols of the Confederacy, (the Confederate Flag, ignorant terrorist Confederate Generals), should be banned in the USA. It is now the right time to ban public symbols of Nazism in the USA, also (and hopefully everywhere in the World).
The soon to be impeached illegitimate President Donald Trump is obviously a secret KKK member, and probably a secret Nazi, that has only become President via an election fraud conspiracy involving an opponent of the USA, Russia.
The other Nationalist dictators and tyrants in the White House, that are in need of removal, are Sebastian Gorka, Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, Betsy DeVos, and Jeff Sessions.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
The Donald Trump Implementation of the Roger Stone Scam
A scam artist’s most important tactic is creating a facade that masks the scam artist’s real intent, throughout the duration of the scam.
This blog proposes that the central component of the Donald Trump for President campaign, and the Donald Trump presidential administration, is a secret scam that has defined Roger J Stone Jr.’s entire political existence.
The basic premise of the Roger Stone Scam is:
1) Volunteer to work within an organization, out of the goodness of your heart, and therefore do not accept payment for the good work you will do for the organization.
2) Gain the trust of the organization you are volunteering at, and gain access to the organization’s finances.
3) Perform the volunteer work you promised to perform for the organization via using dirty tricks to accomplish your goals, and establish yourself as a benefactor for the organization.
4) As a trusted volunteer, steal a large sum of money from the organization. Forge documents to hide the theft. Launder the stolen money via unreported gambling token exchanges, and finally end your association with the target organization.
5) Use the stolen large sum of money from the previous organization to volunteer with a new organization. Thereby, repeating the scam, once again.
I will demonstrate in this blog that the Roger Stone Scam exists as a secret methodology of Republican political operative Roger Stone, and is passed on to his immediate colleagues for them to emulate, (very possibly as a prerequisite), and pass on to new scam operatives.
The group of scam artists that are studied within this blog are; moderate turned extremist Republican politician Carl Paladino, and his dirty tricks staff during his 2010 run for New York governorship; prominent political operative Roger Stone, international political operative and Yeltsin/Putin adviser Michael Caputo, and convicted felon John Haggerty. All of whom re-assembled in 2016 as volunteers on the Donald Trump for President campaign.
The proof of the Roger Stone Scam begins with the 2008 mayoral candidate billionaire Mike Bloomberg accepting the offer of Roger Stone’s and Michael Caputo’s protege John Haggerty to work as a volunteer on Bloomberg’s campaign. Then, Haggerty convinced Bloomberg to transfer $1.1 million dollars to Haggerty’s Independence Party, for poll watching services during the mayoral elections. In keeping with the Roger Stone Scam, Haggerty then spent only $10,000 of the funds on poll watching, and looted the funds in order to purchase his dead father’s house from his brother.
A famous Bloomberg Haggerty Trial ensued, with Mike Bloomberg taking the witness stand against the embezzeler John Haggerty. Bloomberg, however, wasn’t prepared for intensive cross-examination by Haggerty’s attorney. Possible reason: Haggerty hadn’t acted alone in the political campaign theft, and instead had committed the theft to obtain membership in his mentor Roger Stone’s Scam Club. After getting Haggerty into trouble, Stone and Caputo took charge of trying to extricate Haggerty from legal trouble, in order to save a colleague.
Haggerty was eventually sentenced to 1.5 to 4 years in prison for the political campaign theft. During the next 3 years, Haggerty stayed out of prison on appeal of the conviction. Stone and Caputo maintained the “Free John Haggerty” effort, and saved a Roger Stone Scam colleague for whom the scam almost failed. After the 2010 Bloomberg Haggerty Trial, the next Roger Stone scam exploit would involve the campaign of rich New York real estate developer Carl Paladino, for governor of New York. During the previous 15 years of political consulting, Michael Caputo had traveled to Central America and Russia, and had advised Boris Yeltsin on political policy. Caputo had, at one point in time, been forced to hid out on a boat in Florida, fearing that Russian “thugs”, (probably Russian mafia, or RIS agents), would capture him. Why? That can only be guessed at. Possibly, most likely, because Caputo had stolen a large sum of money from the “Russian thugs”, as part of his initiation into the tactics of his scam artist mentor, Roger Stone.
See http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/25/nyregion/25caputo.html & http://buffalonews.com/2016/03/05/the-radical-adventures-of-conservative-radio-host-mike-caputo/
Caputo then indoctrinated fledgling politician Carl Paladino in the dirty tricks method of gaining votes. Caputo was recommended for the job with Paladino’s campaign by Roger Stone, whom was possibly interested in expanding his scam artistry via his protege. John Haggerty, at the time being convicted for campaign theft by Mike Bloomberg, was Michael Caputo’s protege on the Paladino campaign in 2010.
After the Carl Paladino for Governor campaign, Roger Stone and Michael Caputo developed an interest in pursuing a Donald Trump political campaign. This interest by the dirty tricks operatives began as an interest in a Donald Trump for New York City Mayor campaign, then later escalated to an interest in a Donald Trump for New York Governor campaign, then finally accomplished its goal by convening a meeting concerning Donald Trump running for USA President.
Of course, this interest culminated in Stone, Caputo, and Haggerty, volunteering in 2016 to use their skills within the Donald Trump Presidential campaign.
Therefore, the above sequence of events confirm the Republican Party immoral tactics icon, Roger Stone, creating a facade of an effective political consultant, that hid behind it a criminal believer in stealing the monetary resources of rich Republican politicians, after gaining their trust and behind their backs. The Roger Stone Scam is glaringly revealed by Stone’s replication of his tactics using his understudies, Michael Caputo, John Haggerty, and Carl Paladino.
Unfortunately, for the conspiracy of the Roger Stone Scam, and the USA, the scam has escalated in parasitical dependence on rich politicians, and reached the end of the line with the overwhelmingly unethical Donald Trump campaign and administration. As a result of the Trump-Russia scandal, Roger Stone, his old partner Paul Manafort, and apparent CIA/FSB agent Michael Caputo, are en route to very possible prison time for Treason against the United States of America via collaboration with the government of the Russian Federation to commit election fraud during the 2016 Presidential Elections.
History will eventually record that it was impeached President Donald Trump’s implementation of the Roger Stone Scam, that ended a reign of political deceit and treachery, previously considered unimaginable in USA politics.
This blog proposes that the central component of the Donald Trump for President campaign, and the Donald Trump presidential administration, is a secret scam that has defined Roger J Stone Jr.’s entire political existence.
The basic premise of the Roger Stone Scam is:
1) Volunteer to work within an organization, out of the goodness of your heart, and therefore do not accept payment for the good work you will do for the organization.
2) Gain the trust of the organization you are volunteering at, and gain access to the organization’s finances.
3) Perform the volunteer work you promised to perform for the organization via using dirty tricks to accomplish your goals, and establish yourself as a benefactor for the organization.
4) As a trusted volunteer, steal a large sum of money from the organization. Forge documents to hide the theft. Launder the stolen money via unreported gambling token exchanges, and finally end your association with the target organization.
5) Use the stolen large sum of money from the previous organization to volunteer with a new organization. Thereby, repeating the scam, once again.
I will demonstrate in this blog that the Roger Stone Scam exists as a secret methodology of Republican political operative Roger Stone, and is passed on to his immediate colleagues for them to emulate, (very possibly as a prerequisite), and pass on to new scam operatives.
The group of scam artists that are studied within this blog are; moderate turned extremist Republican politician Carl Paladino, and his dirty tricks staff during his 2010 run for New York governorship; prominent political operative Roger Stone, international political operative and Yeltsin/Putin adviser Michael Caputo, and convicted felon John Haggerty. All of whom re-assembled in 2016 as volunteers on the Donald Trump for President campaign.
The proof of the Roger Stone Scam begins with the 2008 mayoral candidate billionaire Mike Bloomberg accepting the offer of Roger Stone’s and Michael Caputo’s protege John Haggerty to work as a volunteer on Bloomberg’s campaign. Then, Haggerty convinced Bloomberg to transfer $1.1 million dollars to Haggerty’s Independence Party, for poll watching services during the mayoral elections. In keeping with the Roger Stone Scam, Haggerty then spent only $10,000 of the funds on poll watching, and looted the funds in order to purchase his dead father’s house from his brother.
A famous Bloomberg Haggerty Trial ensued, with Mike Bloomberg taking the witness stand against the embezzeler John Haggerty. Bloomberg, however, wasn’t prepared for intensive cross-examination by Haggerty’s attorney. Possible reason: Haggerty hadn’t acted alone in the political campaign theft, and instead had committed the theft to obtain membership in his mentor Roger Stone’s Scam Club. After getting Haggerty into trouble, Stone and Caputo took charge of trying to extricate Haggerty from legal trouble, in order to save a colleague.
Haggerty was eventually sentenced to 1.5 to 4 years in prison for the political campaign theft. During the next 3 years, Haggerty stayed out of prison on appeal of the conviction. Stone and Caputo maintained the “Free John Haggerty” effort, and saved a Roger Stone Scam colleague for whom the scam almost failed. After the 2010 Bloomberg Haggerty Trial, the next Roger Stone scam exploit would involve the campaign of rich New York real estate developer Carl Paladino, for governor of New York. During the previous 15 years of political consulting, Michael Caputo had traveled to Central America and Russia, and had advised Boris Yeltsin on political policy. Caputo had, at one point in time, been forced to hid out on a boat in Florida, fearing that Russian “thugs”, (probably Russian mafia, or RIS agents), would capture him. Why? That can only be guessed at. Possibly, most likely, because Caputo had stolen a large sum of money from the “Russian thugs”, as part of his initiation into the tactics of his scam artist mentor, Roger Stone.
See http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/25/nyregion/25caputo.html & http://buffalonews.com/2016/03/05/the-radical-adventures-of-conservative-radio-host-mike-caputo/
Caputo then indoctrinated fledgling politician Carl Paladino in the dirty tricks method of gaining votes. Caputo was recommended for the job with Paladino’s campaign by Roger Stone, whom was possibly interested in expanding his scam artistry via his protege. John Haggerty, at the time being convicted for campaign theft by Mike Bloomberg, was Michael Caputo’s protege on the Paladino campaign in 2010.
After the Carl Paladino for Governor campaign, Roger Stone and Michael Caputo developed an interest in pursuing a Donald Trump political campaign. This interest by the dirty tricks operatives began as an interest in a Donald Trump for New York City Mayor campaign, then later escalated to an interest in a Donald Trump for New York Governor campaign, then finally accomplished its goal by convening a meeting concerning Donald Trump running for USA President.
Of course, this interest culminated in Stone, Caputo, and Haggerty, volunteering in 2016 to use their skills within the Donald Trump Presidential campaign.
Therefore, the above sequence of events confirm the Republican Party immoral tactics icon, Roger Stone, creating a facade of an effective political consultant, that hid behind it a criminal believer in stealing the monetary resources of rich Republican politicians, after gaining their trust and behind their backs. The Roger Stone Scam is glaringly revealed by Stone’s replication of his tactics using his understudies, Michael Caputo, John Haggerty, and Carl Paladino.
Unfortunately, for the conspiracy of the Roger Stone Scam, and the USA, the scam has escalated in parasitical dependence on rich politicians, and reached the end of the line with the overwhelmingly unethical Donald Trump campaign and administration. As a result of the Trump-Russia scandal, Roger Stone, his old partner Paul Manafort, and apparent CIA/FSB agent Michael Caputo, are en route to very possible prison time for Treason against the United States of America via collaboration with the government of the Russian Federation to commit election fraud during the 2016 Presidential Elections.
History will eventually record that it was impeached President Donald Trump’s implementation of the Roger Stone Scam, that ended a reign of political deceit and treachery, previously considered unimaginable in USA politics.
Monday, May 15, 2017
Reed Cordish’s connection to Strategic Campaign Group
Annapolis, Maryland is a 45 minute drive from Capitol Hill. It is possible to drive from Capitol Hill, Washington DC, arrive in downtown Annapolis 45 minutes later, conduct business in downtown Annapolis, (where the US Naval Academy resides, and where it is possible to take a yacht sailing on picturesque Chesapeake Bay), then drive for another 45 minutes and arrive back at a Congressional Office Building at Capitol Hill, within an 8 hour business day.
On May 11, 2017 the Washington DC office of the FBI set out on a raid of the only political consulting firm in Annapolis, Maryland, the Strategic Campaign Group. The raid occurred almost immediately after the firing of FBI Director James Comey, by the under-investigation Donald Trump Administration. The FBI declined to provide specifics of what the raid was about, or possibly related to.
The most obvious cause of the FBI raid on Strategic Campaign Group is a lawsuit by Virginia AG/Gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli alleging that Strategic Campaign Group raised $2.2 million for Cuccinelli’s campaign, then spent only $10,000 on the actual campaign. Apparently, Strategic Campaign Group existed as a fundraising scam, in parallel with a legitimate fundraising operation.
Was the raid on Strategic Operation Group, the result of the FBI’s investigation of the Trump Administration’s possible collusion with the Russian Government, in rigging the 2016 Presidential elections in the USA?
When the raid was occurring, simultaneous analysis of the raid was continuously posted to the social media network, Twitter, in real time. The citizen news analyst of Twitter were able to determine firstly the precise business being raided in Annapolis, then determine a possible connection between this business, and the Trump-Russia scandal.
The most popular connection expoused by the Social Media news analyst of Twitter, was the connection between SCG’s Dennis Whitfield and his former lobbying firm, Black, Kelly, Scruggs & Healey (BKSH), with the Manafort, Stone, Kelly political consultancy of under-investigation Trump Campaign Director Paul Manafort. BKSH later became Prime Policy Group, operated by exiled communist Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych.
However, in this blog I will demonstrate an alternative connection between Strategic Campaign Group and the Donald Trump administration. If you notice in this picture of the front door of SCG, you will see that the office suite SCG occupied, Suite 310, was also supposedly occupied by the law firm, Baxter, Baker, Sidle, & Conn.
When researching Baxter, Baker, Sidle, & Conn, it is found that their main office is in Baltimore, Maryland. The Facebook profile of Strategic Campaign Group’s Chip O’Neil specifies that he lives in Baltimore, Maryland, 25 miles from Annapolis, Maryland. Chip O’Neil of SCG is Facebook friends with a member of Baxter, Baker, Sidle, & Conn, attorney Gary R. Jones. Therefore, it is reasonable to presume SCG and Baxter, Baker, Sidle, & Conn were related businesses.
The Panama Papers, a data leak downloaded from the Panamanian law firm and corporate service provider, Mossack Fonseca, demonstrates that there is a connection from Baxter, Baker, Sidle, & Conn to a White House official personally selected by Donald Trump, Reed Cordish.
Reed Cordish, whom before being selected to direct the Office of Intragovernmental and Technology Initiatives, and serve in the “Strategic Initiatives Group” in the White House, was a billionaire Casino Czar in Maryland, and conducted business from Baltimore, Maryland. Reed Cordish is the son of Billionaire Casino Czar David Cordish, the equivalent of New York/New Jersey Casino Czar Donald Trump. Donald Trump made friends with David Cordish as a result of a $100 million lawsuit. That friendship lead to selecting Reed Cordish as a White House official within the possibly infinitely corrupt Donald Trump administration.
The role of a “Casino Czar” is possibly to ensure that gambling remains legal, by bribing state politicians and therefore personally operating the State Government. State politicians that will not accept the bribery money are possibly blackmailed by the Casino Czar, or electorally overthrown to place a substitute cooperative politician in office. Legalized gambling is a Republican Party method of seemingly improving a State economy, and repeal of legalized gambling is usually pursued by Democrat Party politicians in a effort to genuinely improve the State economy, and reduce exploitation, vice, and destructive money hoarding.
The selection of Reed Cordish by the Donald Trump administration was met by accusations of Cordish being non-qualified for a government position because of a history of racism, related to his operations of a nine block conglomerate of bars, restaurants, and nightclubs, in Kansas City, the “Power and Light” project, see this article, and this article.
The following comment posted to Twitter emphasizes the irony of Donald Trump selecting fellow Casino/Entertainment mogul Reed Cordish to improve employment rates in the USA:
Is Reed Cordish’s relationship with Baxter, Baker, Sidle and Conn, (and therefore SCG), part of a money laundering operation derived from money laundering via Casinos, to possible steal money from the US Government or to pay for election rigging services throughout the USA, Russia, and several other countries? Strategic Campaign Group is obviously run by cynical organized crime personalities, that are confident their lying will persevere, aided by millions of dollars in stolen funds.
The FBI-raided businesses Strategic Campaign Group/Baxter, Baker, Sidle and Conn appear to be at the center of a group of related businesses, that are uniquely qualified to facilitate the disguising of transfers of large sums of money, or “Money Laundering”. These businesses, “Fundraising Town Hall”, and “Text and Give”, have websites that are hosted on the same web server as Strategic Campaign Group, and seem to have been authored identical to the Strategic Campaign Group’s website.
Fundraising Town Hall — Landing Page, top
Fundraising Town Hall — Landing Page, bottom
Text and Give — Landing Page, top
Text and Give — Landing Page, bottom
The PC’s apprehended in the search warrant raid of SCG might contain the server software of the above websites:
To prove there is a gambling and money laundering connection between Strategic Campaign Group, White House official Reed Cordish, and President Donald Trump;
Kelley Rogers, President of SCG, has served as a lobbist for Prince George’s County, Maryland’s Gaming, Lottery, Casino and Racing industry. The Racing division is the same entity as Penn National Gaming, whose owner James Perry went on to operate Trump Entertainment Resorts/ Trump Taj Mahal.
Strategic Campaign Group introduced “Text & Give” in 2014. A service like “Text & Give” can facilitate money laundering via disguising the path a large sum of money takes from its origin to its destination.
Finally, I discovered a tweet linking Strategic Campaign Group to a voter fraud organization from the Mitt Romney campaign of 2012, Strategic Allied Consulting:
“Strategic Allied Consulting” was operated by unethical Republican political consultant, Nathan Sproul, in Virginia near Washington DC. After discovery of Strategic Allied Consulting committing Election Fraud, Sproul moved his operation to Arizona, and was hired once again by the Republican Party, this time to benefit the Donald Trump campaign. See this article. The below meme explains Sproul’s standard of ethical conduct:
Considering the above factors, it is almost undeniable that the raid on Strategic Campaign Group in Annapolis, Maryland had implications of money laundering by Paul Manafort, or casino/entertainment industry corruption, or election fraud, or suspicious activity that is possibly a combination of all the above, by White House official Reed Cordish. The exact reason for the search warrant, and raid, has yet to be revealed by the FBI.
Here is my diagram of all the Strategic Campaign Group connections explained in this blog. Simply click on the diagram to expand the view:
Thank for reading this analysis. Hopefully, I was able to transmit information that after the flurry of analysis by Twitter commentators, contains insights into possibly extremely corrupt practices in the Trump White House. If you appreciate this analysis, please consider donating any amount of funds possible to my research organization, The Institute of Societal Conditions, https://fundly.com/institute-of-societal-conditions.
On May 11, 2017 the Washington DC office of the FBI set out on a raid of the only political consulting firm in Annapolis, Maryland, the Strategic Campaign Group. The raid occurred almost immediately after the firing of FBI Director James Comey, by the under-investigation Donald Trump Administration. The FBI declined to provide specifics of what the raid was about, or possibly related to.
The most obvious cause of the FBI raid on Strategic Campaign Group is a lawsuit by Virginia AG/Gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli alleging that Strategic Campaign Group raised $2.2 million for Cuccinelli’s campaign, then spent only $10,000 on the actual campaign. Apparently, Strategic Campaign Group existed as a fundraising scam, in parallel with a legitimate fundraising operation.
Was the raid on Strategic Operation Group, the result of the FBI’s investigation of the Trump Administration’s possible collusion with the Russian Government, in rigging the 2016 Presidential elections in the USA?
When the raid was occurring, simultaneous analysis of the raid was continuously posted to the social media network, Twitter, in real time. The citizen news analyst of Twitter were able to determine firstly the precise business being raided in Annapolis, then determine a possible connection between this business, and the Trump-Russia scandal.
The most popular connection expoused by the Social Media news analyst of Twitter, was the connection between SCG’s Dennis Whitfield and his former lobbying firm, Black, Kelly, Scruggs & Healey (BKSH), with the Manafort, Stone, Kelly political consultancy of under-investigation Trump Campaign Director Paul Manafort. BKSH later became Prime Policy Group, operated by exiled communist Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych.
However, in this blog I will demonstrate an alternative connection between Strategic Campaign Group and the Donald Trump administration. If you notice in this picture of the front door of SCG, you will see that the office suite SCG occupied, Suite 310, was also supposedly occupied by the law firm, Baxter, Baker, Sidle, & Conn.
When researching Baxter, Baker, Sidle, & Conn, it is found that their main office is in Baltimore, Maryland. The Facebook profile of Strategic Campaign Group’s Chip O’Neil specifies that he lives in Baltimore, Maryland, 25 miles from Annapolis, Maryland. Chip O’Neil of SCG is Facebook friends with a member of Baxter, Baker, Sidle, & Conn, attorney Gary R. Jones. Therefore, it is reasonable to presume SCG and Baxter, Baker, Sidle, & Conn were related businesses.
The Panama Papers, a data leak downloaded from the Panamanian law firm and corporate service provider, Mossack Fonseca, demonstrates that there is a connection from Baxter, Baker, Sidle, & Conn to a White House official personally selected by Donald Trump, Reed Cordish.
Reed Cordish, whom before being selected to direct the Office of Intragovernmental and Technology Initiatives, and serve in the “Strategic Initiatives Group” in the White House, was a billionaire Casino Czar in Maryland, and conducted business from Baltimore, Maryland. Reed Cordish is the son of Billionaire Casino Czar David Cordish, the equivalent of New York/New Jersey Casino Czar Donald Trump. Donald Trump made friends with David Cordish as a result of a $100 million lawsuit. That friendship lead to selecting Reed Cordish as a White House official within the possibly infinitely corrupt Donald Trump administration.
The role of a “Casino Czar” is possibly to ensure that gambling remains legal, by bribing state politicians and therefore personally operating the State Government. State politicians that will not accept the bribery money are possibly blackmailed by the Casino Czar, or electorally overthrown to place a substitute cooperative politician in office. Legalized gambling is a Republican Party method of seemingly improving a State economy, and repeal of legalized gambling is usually pursued by Democrat Party politicians in a effort to genuinely improve the State economy, and reduce exploitation, vice, and destructive money hoarding.
The selection of Reed Cordish by the Donald Trump administration was met by accusations of Cordish being non-qualified for a government position because of a history of racism, related to his operations of a nine block conglomerate of bars, restaurants, and nightclubs, in Kansas City, the “Power and Light” project, see this article, and this article.
The following comment posted to Twitter emphasizes the irony of Donald Trump selecting fellow Casino/Entertainment mogul Reed Cordish to improve employment rates in the USA:
Is Reed Cordish’s relationship with Baxter, Baker, Sidle and Conn, (and therefore SCG), part of a money laundering operation derived from money laundering via Casinos, to possible steal money from the US Government or to pay for election rigging services throughout the USA, Russia, and several other countries? Strategic Campaign Group is obviously run by cynical organized crime personalities, that are confident their lying will persevere, aided by millions of dollars in stolen funds.
The FBI-raided businesses Strategic Campaign Group/Baxter, Baker, Sidle and Conn appear to be at the center of a group of related businesses, that are uniquely qualified to facilitate the disguising of transfers of large sums of money, or “Money Laundering”. These businesses, “Fundraising Town Hall”, and “Text and Give”, have websites that are hosted on the same web server as Strategic Campaign Group, and seem to have been authored identical to the Strategic Campaign Group’s website.
Fundraising Town Hall — Landing Page, top
Fundraising Town Hall — Landing Page, bottom
Text and Give — Landing Page, top
Text and Give — Landing Page, bottom
The PC’s apprehended in the search warrant raid of SCG might contain the server software of the above websites:
To prove there is a gambling and money laundering connection between Strategic Campaign Group, White House official Reed Cordish, and President Donald Trump;
Kelley Rogers, President of SCG, has served as a lobbist for Prince George’s County, Maryland’s Gaming, Lottery, Casino and Racing industry. The Racing division is the same entity as Penn National Gaming, whose owner James Perry went on to operate Trump Entertainment Resorts/ Trump Taj Mahal.
Strategic Campaign Group introduced “Text & Give” in 2014. A service like “Text & Give” can facilitate money laundering via disguising the path a large sum of money takes from its origin to its destination.
Finally, I discovered a tweet linking Strategic Campaign Group to a voter fraud organization from the Mitt Romney campaign of 2012, Strategic Allied Consulting:
“Strategic Allied Consulting” was operated by unethical Republican political consultant, Nathan Sproul, in Virginia near Washington DC. After discovery of Strategic Allied Consulting committing Election Fraud, Sproul moved his operation to Arizona, and was hired once again by the Republican Party, this time to benefit the Donald Trump campaign. See this article. The below meme explains Sproul’s standard of ethical conduct:
Considering the above factors, it is almost undeniable that the raid on Strategic Campaign Group in Annapolis, Maryland had implications of money laundering by Paul Manafort, or casino/entertainment industry corruption, or election fraud, or suspicious activity that is possibly a combination of all the above, by White House official Reed Cordish. The exact reason for the search warrant, and raid, has yet to be revealed by the FBI.
Here is my diagram of all the Strategic Campaign Group connections explained in this blog. Simply click on the diagram to expand the view:
Thank for reading this analysis. Hopefully, I was able to transmit information that after the flurry of analysis by Twitter commentators, contains insights into possibly extremely corrupt practices in the Trump White House. If you appreciate this analysis, please consider donating any amount of funds possible to my research organization, The Institute of Societal Conditions, https://fundly.com/institute-of-societal-conditions.
Friday, April 28, 2017
A "Major, Major" Conflict With North Korea
Donald Trump says there is a possibility of a "major, major" conflict with North Korea.
A conflict with North Korea is the same joke about the USA military going in, replacing what USA corporations have told the USA population is an objectionable leader, then leaving. In reality, the USA will go bankrupt after years of occupation of North Korea. The USA's puppet government in North Korea will be overthrown eventually, and once again nothing will be gained.
To begin with, North Korea not being willing to communicate with the outside World is possibly deception committed by Capitalist countries, to oppose Socialism. North Korea's official news agency is unable to report directly to the USA's population, and USA citizens are unable to see street names, cities or addresses in North Korea on Google Maps.
What if the only problem with North Korea is Communists believing in Fair Economics, vs Western Capitalists believe in stealing? What if North Korea is a Soviet Socialist country with workplace democracy, and without bosses? What would be the Capitalist response to that?
North Korea is supposed to be a rogue nation, however no one in the USA is allowed to find out if this is actually the truth or not. One lie told about North Korea is Kim Jong Un "feeding his uncle to 120 hungry dogs". That actually never occurred, and was just a lie planted by the USA's capitalist media, in order to oppose Socialism.
News about North Korea is possibly the USA Military's PsyOps philosophy of defeating the enemy before the war has started. What if Western Capitalist media considers telling the truth to be a form of aiding the enemy? If the corporate media controlled USA is lying about North Korea, what other foreign country is possibly next?
It is obvious that Donald Trump threatening a "major, major" conflict with North Korea, is an attempt to distract from the Trump-Russia investigation. As of right now, a Mafia gangster idiot needs to be impeached, and removed from the White House.
A conflict with North Korea is the same joke about the USA military going in, replacing what USA corporations have told the USA population is an objectionable leader, then leaving. In reality, the USA will go bankrupt after years of occupation of North Korea. The USA's puppet government in North Korea will be overthrown eventually, and once again nothing will be gained.
To begin with, North Korea not being willing to communicate with the outside World is possibly deception committed by Capitalist countries, to oppose Socialism. North Korea's official news agency is unable to report directly to the USA's population, and USA citizens are unable to see street names, cities or addresses in North Korea on Google Maps.
What if the only problem with North Korea is Communists believing in Fair Economics, vs Western Capitalists believe in stealing? What if North Korea is a Soviet Socialist country with workplace democracy, and without bosses? What would be the Capitalist response to that?
North Korea is supposed to be a rogue nation, however no one in the USA is allowed to find out if this is actually the truth or not. One lie told about North Korea is Kim Jong Un "feeding his uncle to 120 hungry dogs". That actually never occurred, and was just a lie planted by the USA's capitalist media, in order to oppose Socialism.
News about North Korea is possibly the USA Military's PsyOps philosophy of defeating the enemy before the war has started. What if Western Capitalist media considers telling the truth to be a form of aiding the enemy? If the corporate media controlled USA is lying about North Korea, what other foreign country is possibly next?
It is obvious that Donald Trump threatening a "major, major" conflict with North Korea, is an attempt to distract from the Trump-Russia investigation. As of right now, a Mafia gangster idiot needs to be impeached, and removed from the White House.
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Donald Trump's Corruption isn't Great
The premise of the Donald Trump for President campaign, "Make America Great Again", is that Donald Trump himself is "Great". Therefore via implementing his personal greatness methods within the Federal Government, the USA will be made "Great", like Donald Trump.
Unfortunately, from the beginning this premise is a total misconception. The Hotel/Casino/Strip Club Czar Donald Trump, is not in any way "Great" himself. Immoral Con Man Donald Trump is an opposite of "Great" unethical swindler. His grandfather, Frederick Trump, owned a chain of whorehouses where customers paid for prostitution with gold dust. His father, Fred Trump, was also obviously evil scum, as exemplified by his real estate dealings and the corrupt organizations he associated with in New York.
Corrupt swindler Donald Trump combines the worst propensities of his grandfather, and father. From the beginning of moral-less Donald Trump's independence in the 1970's, (with his association with the immoral, lowly John Casablancas modelling agency), Trump has only pursued a course of immorality, fraud, and sleaze for monetary reward from sick organizations of corruption.
Therefore, the gullible citizens of the USA that were conned by the mindless slogan, "Make America Great Again", were deceived mainly by the persona that was supposed to exemplify this slogan; sleazy con man, obvious blackmailer, and immoral gangster Hotel/Casino/Strip Club Czar Donald Trump.
Monday, January 2, 2017
Problematic Republican Economics
Republican Economics is a absurd concept. Republicans promise to improve economies that Democrats have already improved. (via cleaning up the Republican's previous economic mess).
The Republicans attempt to deliver on their promise to improve the economy by borrowing money. When the bill is due, Democrats are needed to clean up the Republican's disaster. An alternative method Republicans use to improve the economy is mugging less powerful countries. Invasion of other countries has been used by Republicans to steal money to attempt to pay for their massive borrowing of money.
A third Republican method of paying for their money borrowing is turning a society into a massive Crime Land, with massive imprisonment of the population. A fourth Republican method of paying for massive borrowing is massacre of populations, and subsequent money hoarding by the surviving Feudalist powers.
The above methods never accomplish the goal of economic improvement, because Republican Conservatism is only delusional paranoia, a mental health problem. Therefore, Democrats are always eventually needed to clean up after Republicans have failed. The Democratic methods of improving the economy are significantly more viable, although they require an increase in intelligence within the population.
The non-insane methods of improving the economy, that Republicans hope will help with their insane money borrowing, Technological Depreciation (technology reducing costs, so that the impoverished by Republican economics population can still afford the same lifestyle) and Migratory Depreciation (the Republican/Conservative impoverished population re-locating to a land of free resources), have throughout history brought about the end of oppressive Conservatism, and will eventually bring about the end of the Republican Party, and anti-Democratic Exploitative Capitalism.
The Republicans attempt to deliver on their promise to improve the economy by borrowing money. When the bill is due, Democrats are needed to clean up the Republican's disaster. An alternative method Republicans use to improve the economy is mugging less powerful countries. Invasion of other countries has been used by Republicans to steal money to attempt to pay for their massive borrowing of money.
A third Republican method of paying for their money borrowing is turning a society into a massive Crime Land, with massive imprisonment of the population. A fourth Republican method of paying for massive borrowing is massacre of populations, and subsequent money hoarding by the surviving Feudalist powers.
The above methods never accomplish the goal of economic improvement, because Republican Conservatism is only delusional paranoia, a mental health problem. Therefore, Democrats are always eventually needed to clean up after Republicans have failed. The Democratic methods of improving the economy are significantly more viable, although they require an increase in intelligence within the population.
The non-insane methods of improving the economy, that Republicans hope will help with their insane money borrowing, Technological Depreciation (technology reducing costs, so that the impoverished by Republican economics population can still afford the same lifestyle) and Migratory Depreciation (the Republican/Conservative impoverished population re-locating to a land of free resources), have throughout history brought about the end of oppressive Conservatism, and will eventually bring about the end of the Republican Party, and anti-Democratic Exploitative Capitalism.
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