Thursday, June 4, 2015

ISC Capitalist Alienation Lawsuit #1

I am contemplating, and somewhat beginning the fundraising for, an Institute of Societal Conditions class action lawsuit.

The class action lawsuit will be filed for the compensation of the "Alienation of Affection" caused by Government Intelligence and Federal, State, and local Law Enforcement Infiltration, Ruse, False Flag, False Rescue, Disruption, and Sting operations concerning the falsification of Relationships intended to lead to Heterosexual Reproduction.

Because individuals are derived from Adults having Sexual Intercourse, Relationships of Reproduction should exist without sabotage by organizations seeking to gain a psychological covert operations advantage over innocent individual members of the population.

A major specific form of sabotage of relationships by government entities, intended to cause Alienation of Affection of the general population, is the maintenance of a 60% overweight and 30% obese population. This causes an environment of 50% overweight women, alienated from identification with mature reproduction, and 50% men alienated from adult female imagery that would ensure continuation of the human species if left unsabotaged.

Because the continuation of the Human Species is guaranteed by Adults having an unconscious drive to have sexual intercourse, that then leads to women becoming pregnant, and human beings therefore always existing, Adult women should be at least remotely attractive, and not immaturely overweight and obese in appearance, to ensure the processes of the Continuation of Human Beings, (Reproduction), exist.

However, within a Society that allows organizations to practice Repressiveness in the form of enforcing environments of mostly male imagery, (in the form of environments of overweight women and oppressed men only), the objective is now not to reproduce via an intimate relationship with an at least remotely attractive woman. The objective is to cooperate with secretive, and harmful to individuals, Authoritarian Reproduction. For example, obese women relying on sperm banks in order to enact an immature form of reproduction harmful to society in general.

50% obese women environments are an example of polymorphous perversion, or the inability to put a penis in a vagina, that allows Alienation of Affection organizations to manipulate individuals via repression of the continuation of the human species. Therefore sending a message that all environments of society are not for companionship of the opposite gender, (leading to the continuation of human beings), instead all environments of society are for deception about companionship of the opposite gender.

What results is a psychologically damaged, never leave your mother, polymorphous perversion, fear of beautiful women, 50% obese women society. Environments of no adult men, never building anything right, no attractive women, and obese women only. The anti-sex, anti-reproduction, anti-life Death Drive.

About what adult men should look like, to qualify to exist in environments without immature obese women that are not in the media: the capability of adult women working in prostitution to have sexual intercourse with men at random, several men per day, and hundreds or thousands of men is a definite consideration.

With the alienation of affection operations committed by government intelligence and law enforcement organizations, women that are in anyway even remotely attractive are only 0.1% of any environment, don't live anyplace, are never your next door neighbor, don't exist in workplaces, are considered not safe for work, (or any other place), and therefore essentially don't exist whatsoever. A society of obese women and men only.

What is found in most office building work environments is 5% inaccessible attractive women, 50% obese women that are not in the media, and that the general population works with exclusively, (thereby sabotaging the continuation of the human species), and 45% men being tortured continuously, and are forced to pretend the repression of individually producing the next generation doesn't affect them, I.e, harmful Authoritarian Reproduction, that a possible cure for is an entire society inclusive, alienation of affection lawsuit.

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