Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Important Yahoo! Answers Questions.

Why isn't it mentioned in the media that women can have sexually excited genitals 24 hours a day?

Do you like working with obese women, and never working with good looking women?

Anyone notice good looking women going out more often than men and ugly women, and not existing anywhere?

Why don't women act upon or fulfil their sex fantasies?

How many of the following are in your immediate environment? 1. Men, 2. Ugly Women, 3. Good Looking Women

What is the ratio of obese and ugly women to good looking women in your immediate environment?

Is it possible for an obese woman to go to the sperm bank in order to have children?

Is it possible for an off-duty police officer to impersonate a woman's husband/boyfriend?

Can good-looking women get a boyfriend impersonator from private investigation services?

Is it possible for virginity cultist to pretend to have sex relationships?

Are women ambivalent towards males until a fee is paid?

If men are hunters, are women trappist?

Are the organizations spying on the public with plain clothes agents involved in psychosexual warfare?

Is "Friends with benefits" actually protection racketeering deception?

Are persons hired based on a criteria that they can't talk to anyone about - the way they look?

Can the FBI & CIA secretly recruit the entire population, if they recruit plain clothes agents?

Can the National Clandestine Service, (w/ clandestine professionals), secretly recruit the entire population?

Is there a connection with Virginia & Maryland and the Virgin Mary?

Are Templars and Malta the concept of stealing resources and poisoning populations?

Any similarities? between working with the CIA, FBI, or National Clandestine Service (w/ clandestine professionals), and the 60's British TV series, "The Prisoner"?

Why aren't there any computer viruses that display a message on your computer screen?

Does a two party democracy work if it is possible (in some way), to assassinate, (or disable), the persons registered to vote in the primaries of the opposing party?

Were the 20s/50s/80s & the 30s/60s/90s 30 year cyclical patterns?

What were the similarities with the 20s, 50s, & 80s? How about the 30s, 60s, & 90s?

Does a syndrome turn into a phobia, then into a mania?

If for men, good looking women are positive stimuli, and ugly/obese women are negative stimuli, and men are negative stimuli, is a relationship with an obese woman totally heterosexual, or possibly a partially homosexual (or negative stimuli homosexual relationship), because that relationship is a compromise involving non-heterosexual negative stimuli?

How much computing power is needed within the PCs scientists have for personal use to accomplish breakthroughs in cancer, AIDS, and physics?

What is the average height of a illegal immigrant?

If your Q&A's are private...? can you help persons that are using Yahoo! Answers to get answers for their questions, or get answers for your questions?

Why do these album titles, circa 1980, sound the same - Synapse Gap, Cybernetic Dreams Of Pi, On The Way To The Peak Of Normal, Fictious Sports,

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