Friday, September 17, 2010

My Important Twitter Comments - Episode 2

I wonder if this society is possibly about 75% criminals.

One interesting phenomena is whites doing the same things on the streets as blacks.

Relationships can be placed on a Maturity Scale. Pseudo-Adult homosexual relationships would be unacceptably low on the Maturity Scale.

"The society" can probably replace "the system".

I have never heard Washington DC existing as a city of buildings about the same height, (10-13 stories), mentioned.

A personality is a personal psychology.

The names of Indian tribes might mean "reservation". Temp Agencies, an average 1 yr employment duration, are possible reservation phenomena.

Then there is the logic of the meaning of words, logic of the alternate meanings of words, logic of phonetics, logic of alternate phonetics.

Clothes for low-income persons looks like clothes for high-income persons that has been worn 2000 times.

Thursday and Friday seems to be when you reap what you sow during Monday through Wednesday.

Sitting at Starbucks wondering what effect British Government Intelligence has had on Reggae music.

The U.S. is out of Iraq. Congratulations, Obama administration. Afghanistan next.

One of my favorites, Jimmy Cliff's "The Israelites", is possibly an updated "The Lion Sleeps Tonight".

More information when computers are starting up, and opening programs and files, is needed.

3d television technology, (that I haven't checked out yet), seems to be getting a good reception. Reminds me of the 1970's.

PDAphones finally became popular 6 years after I bought a Palm Treo 650.

The end of Freud's "Civilization and It's Discontents" implies 50% blob-aphid environments should be prevented.

In the post-Iraq War Era, explanations of how the "insurgents" are returning are "Emperor's New Clothes" deception within dishonest media.

School Chancellor Michelle Rhee reminds me of Police Chief Cathy Lanier. Class stratification possibly impedes honest government.

Vincent Gray will improve conditions in Washington DC without pressure from the citizens. Yeah, right...

Vincent Orange will make the City Council an effective organization. No fooling, 21 organizations w/ agents w/ fake names & backgrounds.

I advice Washington DC citizens to elect Vince Gray as Mayor, then impeach him for being the same as Adrian Fenty.

A good name for the "Tea Party" is possibly the "Evil Tea Party".

The Tea Party looks like a promotion for Modern Roman Empire Satanism. With 50% blobs environments.

Martin Luther King Jr. is the future of the evolution of the human brain and the Evil Tea Party should be left on the ash heap of history.

Lucifer would like the Tea Party vs. Jesus and the poor.

Interesting - you could be in an urban area, and some one could ask you to watch something for them, and you could go to prison for years...

Fraternities lie often about their cultures & relationships. What if they are also lying about the benefits of fraternity membership?

Fraternities and Sororities are possibly Satanist and on illegal drugs, secretly.

I wonder if the authorities are protecting the existence of repulsion geek creeps in public.

Speaking of creepy...I researched Crystal Meth recently. Only total losers would become addicts, in my opinion.

Also creepy, is years of homosexual existence in prison, and 50% blobs environments in the "non-prison world".

I have further evidence that GWU students are on illegal drugs, (possibly Crystal Methamphetamine), and perform satanist rituals.

Is it possible that Adam and Eve refer to Math in Broken English? Adam is Add 'em, Eve is Even?

I bet U.S. government intelligence is identifying other persons like the Discovery Communications Building hostage taker.

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