1) Preparing the Election Fraud field via utilization of corrupt Political Action Committee tactics, (tactics exemplified by Karl Rove’s American Crossroads, and Nathan Sproul’s Strategic Allied Consulting):
1a. Turn in forged Republican registration forms to County Election Boards. The objective is to ensure feasibility of the results of subsequent falsified elections by creating an artificial Republican-to-Democrat balance.
1b. Have canvassers visit homes of voters, then fill out Republican and Democrat registration forms for previously unregistered voters. Then, throw away the Democrat registration forms. The Democrats whose registration forms were thrown away will then attempt to vote, and find out they are unable to vote because they are not yet registered voters.
1c. Building a GPS coordinate database of Republican and Democrat voters. Thereby, allowing for address-specific target of possibly illegal voter suppression tactics.
2) Planning an illegal election engineering campaign with Russian Oligarchs, the government of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and the Kremlin.
3) Integration of Cambridge Analytica’s psychological voter profiling information, the Trump Campaign’s voter information database, private health insurance customer data, and illegal hacked data from Russian Government Intelligence (GRU), including DNC Voter Data, State Voter Registration data, Voting Machine databases, and Facebook and LinkedIn data.
4) Illegal utilization of the Russian Government’s FSB-obtained information on Hillary Clinton.
5) Illegally coordination of a Social Media deception campaign, with Russian Government Social Media Intelligence.
6) Illegally coordination of Pseudo-News websites to disinform the USA Population, with Russian Government Operatives.
7) Implementation of illegal tactics to schedule diversionary activities for Democrat voters on Election Day, November 8, 2016. For example, operating a campaign that called voters on November 8, 2016, in order to deceive them about casting a vote.
8) Illegal production/distribution/operation of Voting Machine/Polling Station hacking software.
9) Illegal coordination of Domestic Operatives and Russian Operatives to attempt a massive break-in of USA Voting Machines on November 8, 2016.
10) Operating an illegal campaign of disabling targeted USA Polling Places on November 8, 2016.
11) Cover up operations after Inauguration.
In order to conclusively prove the above Election Fraud efforts were a result of cooperation between the Trump Campaign and Russia, leaked emails of Trump Campaign personnel communicating with Russian Operatives, Agents, Oligarchs, the Kremlin, or Politicians are required.