It is 2028, a recently elected USA Government devises a Plan to impose a new plan of increased Morality on the Population of the USA. The plan involves making the Population of Women in the USA obese, so that the usual environments in the USA have 50% men, (overweight and non-overweight), and 50% women, (all overweight and obese).
The USA’s population is now 60% overweight, and 30% obese. Women without large belly areas sticking out from their bodies do not exist anymore. The Population only includes men, and unattractive, obese women, so that the need to start heterosexual relationships, leading to reproduction, doesn’t exist in public environments, and the population then conforms to the morality imposed by the new, futuristic USA government.
Good looking Women do not exist anywhere. Men can no longer work, commute, or live anywhere near any good looking women. Good looking Women appear to not live anywhere, or even exist in the real world, in this futuristic USA society. Also, the start of relationships do not exist anywhere. Mostly, because any good looking women that appear to exist are deception operations by the future USA government’s security services, and they usually are 5% or less of the population.
The Obese Women that now consists of 50% of the population do not appear in the new USA government’s media, on television, in movies, or in any advertisements. Therefore, even though the population is conforming to the new plan of Morality imposed by the futuristic USA government, they are mostly unaware as to the cause.